Pivot With Purpose Season 6 Episode 21 Kat Cynewski Full Transcript

Meghan Houle (00:01.504)

Kat, welcome to the Pivot With Purpose podcast. How are you, my friend? I'm so excited to have you on the show finally. Yes.

Kat (00:10.293)

Yes. So excited to be here. I always love chatting with you. love your energy. So I'm excited for our conversation today. Thanks for having me.

Meghan Houle (00:17.084)

my God, same. Well, and I love also how the universe put us together. I always give my backstory with all my guests because I feel like we all have a story. I know you have an incredible podcast, which we can get into as well, but I don't know about you, but I do love to at times like take on newbies of individuals like hashtag love making new friends.

Kat (00:26.085)


Meghan Houle (00:38.752)

where sometimes you're getting to know somebody, but it's like on the podcast where a lot of times I feel like the chemistry of bringing on people that have been in your universe that you've worked with, we've supported each other in so many ways. I don't know the theme and like the backstory is always kind of fun to hear. So Kat, I know you wear a lot of hats, multi -hyphenated, but we met.

literally during your first, like one of the first in real life events that I feel like we went back into right after COVID. What was that? May 20, 22, right? Is that 2022?

Kat (01:07.746)


Kat (01:11.397)

May 2nd. Yeah, it was May of... God, isn't that crazy? Yeah, 2022. was two years ago. Time flies.

Meghan Houle (01:18.26)

I know. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, who is this amazing woman? And I feel like I like won a ticket and a girl I never win anything. Like, you know, you hashtag you win at the game of life. But also I'm just like, wait, like I'm not a lot of person. I'm like, I never win anything. And then I want them coming to your amazing event. And we met so many friends within that. So I just, you so inspired me to

Kat (01:28.163)


Kat (01:41.956)


Meghan Houle (01:45.354)

to do my own event and I know we spent some time working together. So really it's come full circle and yeah, I can't wait to tell your story and all you're doing and diving into Pivot says, I know career wise, you've definitely taken some twists and turns and yeah, love that. And to start off, I always love talking about the here and now. So tell us like, what are you up to today? Like talk to us a little bit about like, where are we catching?

Kat (01:49.155)


Kat (02:01.4)


Meghan Houle (02:11.574)

Kat and all that you're doing before some early career highlights leading up to now, yes.

Kat (02:15.651)

Yeah, yeah, of course. Side note real quick about you winning the ticket. I loved that and it was through Allie who was doing the sound healing and as soon as you won, like she had a ticket to give away, as soon as you won, she's like, my God, she's amazing. You're gonna love her. So even before I met you in real life, I got the little cue up for her. Yeah, so it was awesome.

Meghan Houle (02:24.583)

huh. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (02:38.05)

You're the skinny.

Kat (02:43.843)

Right now I am an online business coach. I work primarily with women who are in wellness and that can look like a lot of different things. I work a lot on helping women expand their business with high ticket online coaching programs. So I work a lot with, you know, all sorts of different coaches from mindset coaches, life coaches, healers, yoga teachers, fitness instructors. And I have a really

big focus on building wealth and well -being. I've got the Wealthy and Well Women podcast. A lot of my community are wealthy and well women. So that's really the mission that we are building. We're focused on generating and building wealth, both internally and externally. So I don't just mean, you financial abundance when I'm saying this, although that's obviously a part of it, but really curating and building

wealth from the inside out with a wellness focused lifestyle and well -being, you know, in our mindset and our spirituality and our physical practice. So really this holistic approach to growth as a woman and as a business owner focused on building online businesses.

Meghan Houle (04:01.388)

Yeah, and I'll have to say like you honestly, mean, I'm going out on like a big ledge in my personal opinion, but like, I feel like you have just been so massively successful and I just love all that you do. And I know you have built this like amazing community online where

Kat (04:08.886)

Ha ha.

Meghan Houle (04:23.392)

as we were chatting before coming into this podcast, I think some people really struggle to catch their stride if they're like, hey, I wanna launch this coaching program. But there's all these steps that you have to take and communicate. My favorite saying is no one's gonna know what you do unless you tell them. So honestly, if we just think people are gonna fall into our lap, sometimes that happens, but other times it's so strategic, which we'll get into. But girl, I give you so much credit and I just feel like all the things that you continue.

Kat (04:33.22)


Kat (04:38.435)


Meghan Houle (04:49.42)

to develop are so needed. And I remember when we spent some time together earlier this year talking in our little small group that we had and our meetup that we did, it's like our failures are your other people's like successes, right? Like we're sharing the things that we've been through to like help guide. And I feel like you just truly live that like through and through. So where did you get started? Yeah, that led to this like big pivot. Did you have this like,

Kat (04:56.423)


Kat (05:05.752)


Kat (05:13.13)

Thank you so much.

Meghan Houle (05:18.29)

nine to five, or you're like, this isn't it, like, yeah, tell us where you started and how this kind of journey for you on this side of your career came to be. So interested. Yeah.

Kat (05:20.921)


Kat (05:28.653)

Yeah, of course. So I've had many career pivots and also many life pivots. Like my life has changed so much over the years. And I think that really does come into play because, you know, the quantum leap term is really trending online and the coaching space and things like that. you know, quantum leaps are really when we don't recognize our prior life, you know, when we've

grown so much and we've outgrown who we once were. And to me that really is both in our lives and our relationships and our career, so many things. so we're constantly, I mean, growth is a huge core value of mine. So I feel like I'm constantly pivoting. I'm constantly growing. I'm constantly kind of like reinventing myself in a way. So my journey professionally started out when I was working in corporate, I was working in sales and business management.

Right after college, I worked for Rent -A -Prize Entercar in the business management. my God, yeah.

Meghan Houle (06:25.334)

Yes, but that's like the best boot camps. Like I feel like so many people started in the rental car like Hertz and enterprise and like you learn so much, right? Yes.

Kat (06:33.169)

yeah. Yeah. So they have a very well known, like business development program. And so I started out there. I was, you know, hungry for growth. It's funny to look back and think of like what I was making for a salary working so many freaking hours. but regardless, I was hungry for growth, moved up very quickly. I got promoted.

kind of like jumped a couple of promotions and got promoted to actually Boston, to Logan Airport to be one of the managers there. And so I moved to Boston and basically I was in that grind and I left on a whim to go to a yoga retreat in Tulum, Mexico. Honestly, just Googled yoga retreats. was in this rut of working.

60 plus hours a week, nights, weekends. I worked overnights. I was just running around in a suit all day, doing just all sorts of different kind of work in this company. I was like, you know what? I need a break. feel like I'm just running myself down. I'm working really, really hard for not something that I love, but something that I feel like I need to do. And I have this external pressure to do it and to prove myself.

but I had this internal misalignment and I had gotten my yoga teacher training. That's like a life pivot that happened prior to this, but I got my yoga teacher training. I'd really started turning my life around in the holistic sense. And I took off on this yoga retreat. And while I was there, the main word that comes to my mind was just space and clarity. I was in such a go -go -go -go -go. I never gave myself just time to be with myself and to actually see

What's coming through? What do I desire in life? Like, what do I want my life to actually look like? And so that came pouring through when I was in Tulum. And I remember writing my family and being like, I think I might just stay here. I'm just done with this grind. I think I might just stay here. I don't care if I make zero money living at the beach. I'll teach some yoga. I'll figure it out. So I kind of made this commitment at this point in my life that that's more

Meghan Houle (08:35.506)

I'm sorry guys, I'm out. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (08:43.084)


Kat (08:50.437)

how I wanted to live. wanted to live with more day -to -day freedom. I wanted to live doing work that really truly lit me up, not just work that I felt like I needed to do for external validation or to be quote unquote successful. But I really wanted to be more driven by my internal desires and my purpose and what I felt like I was truly on this planet to do. And I didn't go quick corporate the next day. You know, this was like,

Three years, another job later, I switched companies and started working in as an outside sales manager for New England. So on the road a lot in meetings, managing a sales team, things like that. And that job was way better. I had a lot more freedom. I had a lot of autonomy over my work. And that was a lot more like, this is a great job, great salary, had all the benefits, all the safety.

I still just felt this misalignment of I'm supposed to be doing something different. Like this isn't filling my cup in the way that I desire. you know, before I actually quit, I found this training in India, this month long intensive 500 hour advanced yoga teacher training. And I was like, you know what? I'm like, I just got

hold to this program. know nothing about it. I'm literally flying to India. I don't know anything about this training program, but saw it and felt the pull and was like, I'm going to do it. So I took like a sabbatical from my work, which I didn't know if they would just say, you know, like, you know, you can just leave and not have a job anymore. Or if they'd let me come back or what would happen. But I took off and did that. And then eight months after returning, I ended up

giving my notice and going full force into at this time, I was a full -time yoga instructor and I was running my, my events company, be well events, which I had started actually like a year or two prior to leaving corporate. So was doing like hustling that nights and weekends. Yeah. I decided to go all in and then six months later, I had the first be well fast actually, which is what you came to a couple of years later. The first one was in January of 2019 and we had.

Meghan Houle (10:58.597)


Meghan Houle (11:04.129)


Kat (11:12.357)

roughly 300 people there. I want to say like 50 plus like vendors and sponsors. So I just dove and I started planning that in July, left my corporate job in July. And I was like, I'm to put on this epic festival. saw the vision and I just like went for it, put that on and loved it. I led my first international retreat the same month actually to Cuba. And then, so that was where I started. Then I,

Meghan Houle (11:13.804)


Kat (11:40.389)

had a lot of women reaching out. So I did this for a couple of years until I did this like 2018, 2019. And then at the very end of 2019, I had a lot of women that had been reaching out and saying like, I love the community you've built. Like I'm also in wellness. I would love to lead, you know, my own be well events. Can you train me how to do events like this? can you teach me how you built your community? had built an online community of over 10 ,000 at this point.

And so I had a lot of other wellness entrepreneurs and wellness leaders asking me to help them do the same thing. So that's when I launched my first coaching program, helping women do that. was called the Be Well Business Mentorship. And then that has morphed over the years now to 2024 of launching many different coaching offers and landing here where I am of helping

Meghan Houle (12:25.196)


Kat (12:37.889)

still primarily women in wellness. As I see this to be a field that when I was working in wellness as a full -time yoga teacher and event planner and collaborating with all these incredible women in the wellness industry, that they had such amazing work, but they didn't necessarily have the sales, the marketing, and mostly the sales and marketing and some of the technical business skills.

to be able to impact more people and really make the big money that I so strongly feel these women are deserving of. So that's what really sparked this mentorship and has continued to grow it over the years.

Meghan Houle (13:12.876)


Meghan Houle (13:18.472)

Yeah, no, and that's such a great journey. And I feel like speaking to so many of the fitness community professionals that we share a lot of people in common too, I know, but it just is so hard, especially I feel like if you're under a big umbrella of a big studio, it's like, do I become my own brand in this brand and grow outside of the brand to find my voice, find a niche?

Kat (13:28.354)


Kat (13:33.231)


Kat (13:44.163)


Meghan Houle (13:44.226)

But as you know, too, if you're not like self promoting yourself constantly with like classes and whatnot, I mean, that's kind of the name of the game in the fitness community world is like having the signups, having full classes, having a wait list. But I feel like that also like leads to burnout, which I feel like you've talked about before. But so your big pivot was like, finally, like, OK, got this yoga certification. I can't believe you were doing events also like working your full time job because like events is like a full time job. my God.

Kat (13:52.627)


Kat (13:57.487)



Kat (14:10.325)

Yeah, was in another state. I was doing it in Maine and living in Boston. It was ridiculous.

Meghan Houle (14:14.878)

I love you. my gosh. Well, listen, again, you're teaching others how to do it because you did it, not that we always choose the easy ways because no way. I mean, that's not how it works. But yeah, I guess how did you find that balance in the burnout too, I think, in doing all the things, the yoga? Where did it come together for you that you're like, no, these need to be separated. I need to kind of pivot off. What was that journey like for you? Because I also feel like, yeah, the fitness piece of it

Kat (14:21.007)

Hmm. Right.

Meghan Houle (14:44.064)

got heavy at one point for you, right? Or just aligned, yeah.

Kat (14:46.021)

Yeah. Well, it's interesting because I was a little bit forced into a stronger pivot. I will say, I see the burnout. There's a difference in my mind of working hard, and there's so many quotes about this. There's a difference of working hard for something that you love and that you're passionate about and working hard for something that you don't have any passion for.

Meghan Houle (14:54.583)


Meghan Houle (15:08.343)


Kat (15:15.273)

and like when I was in corporate working hard led to burnout. When I started my own company, I was so, I was working nights and weekends. Like that's all I did. I remember I was dating a guy in Boston at this time when I was doing both. And he's like, I don't even know. Like I can't even, you don't even have any time to spend together. Like you're always on your phone or your laptop, like doing something for work. I just don't even think you're like capable right now of doing this. And in my mind, it was like, no.

Meghan Houle (15:19.063)


Kat (15:44.549)

This is my dream. I'm so passionate about this. I'm going to do what it takes to make this happen." I enjoyed it. I loved it. I got so much fulfillment from it. At that time, I never felt burnt out. I never felt stressed. was like, yeah, it didn't feel like a hustle to me. Then there was, but the income wasn't matching what I was putting into it.

Meghan Houle (16:02.914)

Awesome. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (16:09.762)


Kat (16:10.659)

So that's what really happened for me is I got to this point where I'm like, okay, I'm running around town. I'm hustling. I'm self -promoting. I'm constantly going on coffee meetups and you know, like I was doing a lot for free, right? Yeah. I was, yeah. Yeah. All that. So I don't really do any of that anymore, but you know, I was always going on a coffee date. I was always, you know, can I pick your brain? Like doing those things. Like basically I was coaching for free for a long time and I was

Meghan Houle (16:21.308)

which is so much right? Girl, please don't get me started. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (16:33.12)

Yeah. Yes. God. Yeah.

Kat (16:40.429)

teaching group classes, I was running my own events and retreats I I wanted everything to be super accessible and I wanted everyone to be able to price wise, I wanted everyone to be able to have the opportunity. So I often was under pricing, which I see a lot with entrepreneurs in general, but especially women that are in wellness that are feeling like, just want to help the world. I just want to help. It's like a lot of

Meghan Houle (16:57.141)


Kat (17:09.007)

bleeding heart energy a lot of times of like, just want to help, want to be a resource, I want, you know, to create impact. And what that can lead to is undercharging and taking on too much that isn't really what we want to do. It's not really intentional. It's not getting us ahead and it's not really focused.

Meghan Houle (17:10.326)


Kat (17:33.247)

on a plan of like, am I taking this? Where is this going? So yes, exactly.

Meghan Houle (17:35.426)

Right? No. Yeah. And it can lead to resentment too, like not terror, but like, feel like then you're doing it and you're almost like mad. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Kat (17:44.793)

Yes. So that's what I got to is I was like, I was doing these events. was teaching lots of classes. always had, you know, I was posting a ton on Instagram, sharing a lot of like my life and my heart and these lessons and all of these things. was speaking on panels and things like for free. I was doing a lot of these like free things. And I got to the point where I'm like, I feel like I'm helping everyone else grow, but myself. And I'm like always running around busy, busy, busy.

Meghan Houle (18:09.228)

But yourself, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kat (18:14.415)

but I'm not seeing, I'm not like reaping the reward like I feel like I should be. And I was like, I just need to do this a different way. And so that's when I started the coaching part of my business. But then I was still doing a lot of those things until COVID hit, right? Cause I started coaching just months before COVID hit. And that really kind of shut down everything I had been doing.

Meghan Houle (18:19.188)


Kat (18:39.171)

because I was doing events, I was going on coffee dates, I was teaching public classes, I was doing a lot of in -person stuff, and that rocked my world of like, whoa, I can't do like any of that anymore. And so that kind of like pushed me more into the coaching and more into developing that. And then I realized when things came back, you know, I'm gonna be a lot more intentional with my time, I'm gonna be a lot more focused in what I'm building. And I see how

Meghan Houle (18:42.56)

Right? Yeah.

Kat (19:08.713)

much my passion has really shifted into coaching and how I'm able to help people on such a deeper level and really have my clients reflecting back like, wow, you've changed my life. Like I never knew new things could be like this. And a lot of what was satisfying to me about helping people with in yoga and in events, which I still love, I still teach, you know, one or two classes on times that work well for me.

I still lead the occasional events and retreats. So I still love those things as well. But yeah, I would say it wasn't so much of like burnout that pushed me into it, but more so. Yeah. Like lots of, lots of different things.

Meghan Houle (19:46.08)

like misalignment. Yeah. Yeah. No, but those are good recognizing signs of like getting to a place where, and what I love about you too is like, you are just not somebody who's like gatekeeping money or what it's like to make money. And I just am always so inspired by you of like,

Kat (20:02.063)


Meghan Houle (20:06.486)

you know, enjoying your time and like having this income that's coming in because you're creating these offers that are so desirable and it's amazing, right? I mean, it's how you successfully run a business like yours. But I know there's such like an ick behind the money piece of it. And listen, I think early on as we're building community, getting noticed, like, yeah, we definitely can tend to fall in the traps of like, yes, I'm going to say yes to everything. And then you do, you start, I mean, guilty as charged.

Kat (20:20.954)


Kat (20:31.181)


Meghan Houle (20:33.964)

but then you go into it and you are still coming from a good place, but like something is just not sitting well with you. So good for you. You know where I feel like you found that pivot to say, and in COVID obviously forced us all into like a lot of like discovery moments of like, well, we can't do this anymore. So we got to figure it out. But I give you a lot of credit where I think some people get.

Kat (20:41.743)


Kat (20:48.323)


Kat (20:53.668)


Meghan Houle (20:55.842)

so stuck and they also feel yucky like talking about money and charging people. Like I remember when I had first started just even career coaching and many of my community back in 2020 was all service. Service, retail, you know my life. So, you know, I had people push back and I did a ton of free webinars, like so many. I mean, I've content for like years still saved. They're like, I can't believe you're charging. I'm like, well, what do you mean? You know, but I just.

Kat (21:06.275)


Kat (21:12.602)


Kat (21:18.179)


Kat (21:23.365)


Meghan Houle (21:25.29)

I feel like, you know, I'm like, I understand it's a tough time in the world. You know, this isn't saying like, we got to slap like a 50k price tag on this. No way. It was like, you know, these small little retainers. at the end of the day, like you have a ton to offer. And I think at some point, there's a community where, and you, I know you do webinars and I've held them and I've been a part of them where, you know, you're, teaching, but then there's an offer that goes at the end of it. like, Hey guys,

Kat (21:33.028)


Kat (21:39.139)


Kat (21:45.273)


Meghan Houle (21:49.89)

But I feel thank you for kind of walking through that because I feel sometimes people just get so stuck, but then they still feel the ick in charging. So where did your confidence around talking about money? I just feel like in our female space, and I talk about this a lot on the podcast, it's like a lot of times you don't know what your friends make, but all the guys are like, yeah, man, I just got a raise and my $50 ,000 bonus. And we're like,

Kat (21:58.553)


Kat (22:03.193)


Kat (22:10.414)


Meghan Houle (22:13.462)

can't talk about what we make, but we should talk about it. So where does your money confidence come from and how do you teach others to really stand in their power that you work with that may feel icky about charging or raising their prices? What do you think that we have to work through to get beyond that? Right? Yes.

Kat (22:15.394)


Kat (22:29.453)

Yeah, this is such a good question and just conversation in general, because there is like, I remember just thinking about naming my podcast, The Wealthy and Well Woman. I'm like, man, that's going to trigger some people, you know, because when you're sharing, like some people are just like, and what I see is if you have a strong reaction to literally anything, it's your own work. Yeah, it's something that's going on with you. It's not the other person. And so

Meghan Houle (22:51.06)

Yes. Yes. Yeah.

Kat (22:57.817)

You know, of course this is something that has happened over the years in many different ways, but I think there's like a couple of conversations in this. So the first of being like uncomfortable talking about money, a lot of people have shame around money. They have maybe shame around how much they're making or they think it should be more or they feel shame around how much they make and they feel like greedy to want more and to be making abundant money.

And this can be different for every single person. is like money is such a layered conversation where somebody can have multi -millions and feel very broke and very like a lot of scarcity around money and they don't want to talk about it and hush hush and feel like they don't have anything. And then you can have someone who's making just enough to get by and they feel super wealthy and super abundant. And they're like, I have everything I need. love

Meghan Houle (23:51.318)

Yeah. Yeah.

Kat (23:51.909)

It's just such a layered and personal conversation. And it can be very triggering for people no matter where you're at at that journey. So if it is something that's triggering for you and if you see someone talking about money or specific numbers and you're like, gross, then I would look internally on your own money stories. Where is that coming from? Do you have some shame around the money that you make? do you feel like

Meghan Houle (23:56.695)


Kat (24:21.965)

it would be usually if somebody is getting that reaction, it's like, I could never do that. So how are they doing it? Like really people, what they believe they couldn't do is often what they'll project on to somebody else. But about the actual pricing and like the confidence, mean, my first thought that popped up was like, I grew up with a dad in finance and two brothers and none of them were shy about talking about any money conversations. So

I think I've always kind of put myself around people that are, you know, pretty open about money and whether they have it, whether they don't, it's like just a conversation that a lot of people in my life are maybe more comfortable having, but that doesn't change the fact that as a business owner, you know, I worked in sales and I loved sales. found sales to be very easy, especially when working for another company and selling somebody else's product, you know, it wasn't tied as much to

my worth. And I think that's something that entrepreneurs struggle more with. If you're selling something that's yours, especially in the coaching industry or the education industry, something that you created like art from your heart and from your soul and from your experience and your own expertise. And you know, you really are owning that and then putting a price tag on it. That can feel intimidating, right? And I think when I made that transition from selling

for another company with preset price points to going into selling my own work and it being feeling like it's me that I'm selling in a way that was a lot harder. And to overcome that, had to switch my mindset around. My offers are not my value. I'm not saying this is what I'm worth. And we hear that a lot like charge what you're worth, charge what you're worth. And I get, you know, I get why people say that, but

Meghan Houle (25:58.87)

Yes. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (26:13.725)



Kat (26:16.761)

You're not really charging what you're worth. You're charging the value to the clients that are purchasing. And that's a flip that oftentimes can help us see, okay, how valuable, let's take like a relationship coach, for example, like not even, you know, I work, I help people make more money, but most of my clients don't help people make more money. It's, know, life coaching, mindset coaching, you know, wellness, fitness, things like that. So

Meghan Houle (26:23.02)


Kat (26:45.503)

take something like a relationship coach, for example, if you're a relationship coach that helps high achieving women find love, you know, what is the ROI on someone that comes in? They have you matchmaking them to someone that's going to fulfill their life, someone that's going to bring so much to their life. Like, what would that be worth, quote unquote? Like you could say, you could never charge as a,

Meghan Houle (27:00.316)


Meghan Houle (27:10.199)


Kat (27:13.997)

matchmaking service or as a relationship coach more than like, more than a couple thousand dollars would be crazy. No, for a high achieving like man or woman.

Meghan Houle (27:22.89)

Like don't talk to Patty Strangler, Strangler, like she's like the millionaire matchmaker. She'll get you for like millions. I know. Yeah. Yeah.

Kat (27:28.603)

yeah, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Like, what is it worth to the person buying it? You know, like, yeah, millionaire matchmaker, millionaires that have, you know, that are very successful, have been making tons of money and then, and you know, spending. Yeah, it's exactly. And if that's what they want, that's the main thing that they want. And they have, they're, they're, you know, willing to pay for that.

Meghan Houle (27:35.958)


Meghan Houle (27:44.15)

The fulfillment is not love, right? Yeah.


Meghan Houle (27:54.082)

Totally. So it's like also finding that pain point too, which I know you speak so well too. Obviously, I'm a big fan over here, but no, I remember charging my first client and feeling so bad. It was like $100 cash. And I'm like, I need to do everything. So I have this career workbook. It's like 13 pages. I remember staying up all night. I'm like, this person is giving me their money because I have to show up.

Kat (28:01.998)


Kat (28:05.465)


Yes, my god. Yes!

Kat (28:19.711)

my, yeah, totally. Yep.

Meghan Houle (28:20.77)

Right. And I just feel like for me that flip came because as a recruiter, like I'm more on the client side. So I'm not an agent for people like my clients pay me to help them find talent for their companies. But then to flip that script on candidates where I'm like, and I mean now it's like, wow, 2024 has been the wild, wild west. And we would love to hear like how you feel like your business is going to, I just feel like it's been like high highs, low lows, but like consistent, but just like navigating a lot of heavy stuff is that.

Kat (28:27.78)


Kat (28:32.111)


Kat (28:39.833)


Kat (28:44.921)


Kat (28:48.346)


Meghan Houle (28:49.846)

They're like, well, you can charge us. I'm like, well, you're looking at a conversation with me to get my ideas on how to help you get a job without a recruiter or whatnot. mean, people can get jobs without recruiters, guys. Canada's OS nothing.

Right? Like you have it inside of you to get a job. At some point, I'm sure people listening in have never even worked with a recruiter, right? It's through your network. It's through all the things. if you're stuck or if you want to work with CAD to help build out programs like wellness programs, whatnot, I definitely feel like to have accountability partner to show you the way the path is led by somebody who's been there.

Kat (29:06.905)



Kat (29:29.931)

Mmm. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (29:30.198)

But I do feel like early on the charging piece gets real icky until it doesn't. And then you're like real mad. You're like, I should have charged more. But like stand in the value of what you have to offer and what the transformation is gonna be to the person on the other side. And I think that's what you do. So such a great job. And it's like really talking about the transformation. Cause I don't think it's just about, well, this is what you're gonna get, but then like, how are you going to feel? So when you're creating this like content,

Kat (29:38.638)


Kat (29:51.693)


Kat (29:57.848)


Meghan Houle (29:59.432)

Yeah, how do you kind of mirror both sides and like telling the story and like why is it so important to just not only show that but like the transformation? think that's where it really locks people in. Would you agree? Yeah.

Kat (30:11.047)

a hundred percent. And this is a lot of desire led marketing in general, moving away from the like really heavy pain point of like, Hey, this is why you're miserable. This is why you don't have what you want. And I'm the solution, which definitely works by the way in marketing. And that's what a lot of people, like a lot of over time in history has been the main way of marketing. But then there's this way of more desire led marketing, which

Meghan Houle (30:15.938)


Kat (30:36.533)

is a lot of the storytelling and painting the picture and painting the vision of what your clients want to create. So, you know, if you're a fitness coach, it's more so taking those micro moments. Micro moments are really, really impactful for you showing, like painting the vision of, you can have this too, of showing like, you know, what's a micro moment. Maybe you're a fitness coach and you help people, you know, like,

lose weight postpartum, I'm postpartum. So that's just like the first example. don't know. And so like, what's a micro moment for you? Maybe you're sharing your story of like, I remember that first time that, or like I woke up this morning and I looked in the mirror and for the first time postpartum, I, you know, I loved what I saw in the mirror and I've never felt like more myself and I've

Meghan Houle (31:30.006)

Mm -hmm.

Kat (31:31.363)

I'm so proud of the work that I put in and I feel so certain on what I need to do to feel my best, what to do in my workouts. I'm never questioning it. What to eat. I feel so confident and so knowledgeable. X amount of time ago, this wasn't my reality. I was searching constantly online, wondering what to do, trying everything and nothing worked.

you know, by this methodology that I teach, this is how I got here and you can do it too. You know, so it's showing, it's showing these micro moments of what your clients want to achieve. Then showing, Hey, this is how I did it. Or my client did it. This is where they were, which is just where you are. And it's, this is so doable for you to achieve. Here's exactly how, you know, it's, it's a lot of storytelling, a lot of painting the picture on.

Meghan Houle (32:05.922)


Kat (32:29.379)

the desire that they have is the personal approach that I really love to take.

Meghan Houle (32:30.646)


No, I think it's so good. And for someone listening in that maybe has been struggling, like they have another offer in mind and really want to put it out there, put something out there and feeling like they're not getting traction, what are some best practices? Or maybe without giving it all away, what are some of the top things that you really work through with some of your clients to help them?

Kat (32:54.574)



Meghan Houle (32:59.39)

move the needle? Because it's frustrating, Kat, right? When you work so hard and you're like, I'm to put this out there and everyone's going to come. And then it's like crickets, crickets. Where are all my people? But it takes consistency. But what are some of the things that you love to work through with people or just where you feel like sometimes people get stuck in like, how can we be better at making these things successful? Yeah.

Kat (33:02.372)


Kat (33:07.406)


Kat (33:20.173)

Yeah. So it boils down to a couple of different core things that I teach and I help my clients with. The first is obviously your community because you can have the best offer in the freaking world and you can learn a way to talk about it and market it and sell it. And if you don't have a community of buyers, you know, or just people that trust you and, that are people that would buy this.

Meghan Houle (33:26.765)


Meghan Houle (33:47.532)

Yeah. Right? Yeah.

Kat (33:47.811)

Then it's going to be hard to sell it. You know, you're going to have to build the community and build the lead, so to speak, which is what a lot of people think they need is like more leads, more leads. but then that also goes into your messaging. So one of the core ways that I help my clients is around the way that they're talking about their offers. So of course, like before this, the offer is very important. We need to find an offer that, you know, makes sense for you to uniquely deliver. and you know, there's.

finding that is really like your experience, your expertise, your passion, and what there's a market need for. So finding the intersection of that. And then it's, are we talking about it? I work with a lot of people, a lot of coaches, a lot of entrepreneurs who get caught up in the process because they're very knowledgeable on the topic that they're teaching in a program. And so they get really caught in the weeds in the, in the,

different things that they'll guide you through. So I like to use the example of if you're selling a retreat to Bali, you're not going to sell it by talking about the plane ride, right? You're not going to be like, yeah. So you're going to board the plane in Boston and then you're going to, yeah. And then you're going to take, and then you're going to fly for 20 hours to Asia. And then you're going to have an overnight layover. And then three days later, you're going to be involved. You know, it's like, no, nobody would sign up if that's what you're selling. You're selling.

Meghan Houle (34:58.348)

You're like, sweet, the best part, no.

You're like,

Meghan Houle (35:12.202)

No, someone might throw popcorn in your hair or kick your chair. You're like amazing. No, no, no, no. Yeah.

Kat (35:16.225)

Exactly. What you're selling is waking up in freaking paradise with amazing like -minded men and women, you know, like diving deeper into your practice, having time and space, all the beautiful things, going on adventures, all the things that you would actually want to go to Bali for, not the plane ride. So it's the same thing when you're talking about transformations and selling your offer. You're not saying, okay, first,

Meghan Houle (35:23.542)


Meghan Houle (35:36.674)


Kat (35:44.857)

We're going to look at your negative thought patterns and we're going to sit down. We're going to look at your monkey mind and what's coming up that you it's like, okay, that's all like the nitty gritty stuff that people don't really, it's not sexy. Like, yes, you do it. That's how you're going to get them to the transformation. That's how you're going to get them to Bali, but it's not the Bali. It's not the transformation. So sell them what they actually want the end result.

Meghan Houle (36:02.402)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (36:07.82)


Kat (36:08.613)

Talk more about the end result than anything else. The process doesn't really matter that much. The process can be very high level. Really talk about where they are going and where they could go with your support.

Meghan Houle (36:16.108)


Meghan Houle (36:21.714)

love it as I'm taking notes like end result. No, truly, because I do feel like you're right. So many people are so process driven, rightfully so. And, you know, I've been working with people that are doing one thing in their business and want to offer diversification of their business, but they're known for this one thing. So, you know, my coaching has been cool. You're known for this, but now you're going to be known for this. And this could be a different community.

Kat (36:24.933)

I love.

Kat (36:31.502)


Kat (36:40.26)


Meghan Houle (36:47.796)

So it's like, how are you speaking to that audience when you already have one audience that knows you for one thing? Do you feel like it can be hard to make those pivots? Or I guess, how do people successfully pivot? So for instance, like say someone is in like fitness, like training, but then they wanna offer the online courses to help trainers, like.

Kat (36:54.253)


Meghan Houle (37:06.4)

get better at training or like get more clients, but like their client base are people that come into their studios. So you're right in building the community around people that would want to work with you that are either trainers, business owners, wellness people, you people you work with. It's just a different messaging, right? Like how do you see, and you've done it, like how can you be successful in what you're doing, but then like make that pivot to like, you can be this and that, but it's kind of sometimes two different communities, right? Yeah, okay.

Kat (37:18.425)


Kat (37:22.082)


Kat (37:32.919)

Yes and no. see, I love the example you use as like a fitness trainer who's built a community of people that want to work out. And then you add in a training component about teaching your methodology maybe or growing your business as a trainer, which yeah, some people are going to only be there specifically for training. know, they, yeah, they want the classes and totally that will be probably a large part of the community. And

Meghan Houle (37:36.331)


Meghan Houle (37:40.449)


Meghan Houle (37:46.996)

Yes. Yes.

Meghan Houle (37:54.038)

the classes, right? Yeah.

Kat (38:01.365)

There are most likely a chunk of people that are already in your community that would also be a good fit for this new offer. So yes, do. I would, you know, there'd be a whole strategy around that that I recommend. You'd want to get visible around that audience, more around that audience, like speaking directly to the trainers, whether that's going on, you know, podcasts or doing collabs or things like that with

Meghan Houle (38:20.566)

Yes. Yes.

Kat (38:30.371)

with where those people are going to be more concentrated so that you can get in front of more of them and build your community with more of those specific people. But that doesn't mean that there's not gonna be a lot of overlap. I had a primarily, if we're talking Instagram, social media, like my community, where most of my community is, my community was mostly yoga teachers and people that wanted to practice yoga. So I saw that a lot with my account. There was a lot of people that were totally uninterested.

Meghan Houle (38:38.679)


Kat (38:59.875)

with me doing business coaching because they just wanted to learn how to do crow pose. They don't care. They don't care about online business or breakdown, breakdown handstands for me again. But it's the same if we're talking yoga. Some people are like, I just want to do a flow. I just want to do child's pose. I don't care about the handstand. There's always going to be some people that don't care. And then there's going to be other people that could really serve them.

Meghan Houle (39:01.408)


Right. Right. You're like, show me your workouts, lady.

Meghan Houle (39:12.865)


Kat (39:29.753)

Those two things are so complimentary that they're not entirely different. And the people that just want the workouts are just gonna ignore the posts about business and vice versa. So that's fine, but there are ways that you can create more visibility to get in front of the community, more dialed in community that you're wanting to reach.

Meghan Houle (39:38.442)

Right, they're not going to engage. Yeah. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (39:49.42)

The new client, yeah.

Yeah, no, that's great advice. Well, like you said, they're in there. But then also, where does that community exist, right, of like getting yourself like, right, like get them out of there and then like get yourself in like bigger rooms, expansive rooms, like on stages on podcasts, which builds like credibility, visibility. And I love that. So in pivoting to that, the events space, which is something also I feel like two years now in the making, which kind of happened to me like in October of last year.

Kat (39:58.509)

Yes. How are you talking? How are you talking? How are you pulling them out too?

Kat (40:08.835)

Yep. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (40:23.274)

I'm like, okay, we're gonna do these IRL things again. I feel like people trying to kind of put things together. I did something in September and then I actually joined my first big mastermind in Napa in October and got just around people again, which I hadn't been around since your event, which I met so many people. And I feel like getting into rooms, like our friend Jennifer, shout out to Jennifer from Jinder Fox and all of her, yes.

Kat (40:23.363)


Kat (40:26.873)


Kat (40:35.193)


Kat (40:41.731)


Meghan Houle (40:49.954)

Love her, Lainey and Lou. So I think that it is so expansive too when you can get out of your four walls, get out from behind your desk, get in front of new people and really grow and network in new ways, find new clients, inspiration, whatnot. So in terms of events.

Kat (41:02.788)


Kat (41:06.159)


Meghan Houle (41:10.05)

As we know, they're not for the faint of heart. And I know you had a whole class still on this. I don't know if you do it, because I feel like I've tried to sign up for like eight times and I'm like, Megan, not one more thing. But like, what do you feel like the perks are of events, right? To like really kind of put the work in to do something and maybe when you know it's the time and like, when do you feel like, like, let's not do an event right now? Like you got to get your stuff together because as we know,

Kat (41:13.059)


Kat (41:18.889)

Kat (41:33.987)


Meghan Houle (41:36.866)

It's not as sometimes the good events are so talked about, but like, feel like we remember the crappy events more than like the good ones. So you're like, don't do it unless it's a hundred percent about like, what are your thoughts around events? And like, how have you seen that space continue to evolve even this year and now in looking into 2025, if you're going to be doing more and so on and so forth. Yeah. Just curious. Yeah.

Kat (41:42.735)


Kat (41:57.421)

Yeah. Yeah. I see more and more people doing events. Honestly, I feel like everywhere I look now, someone's leading an event, yeah, whether it's, mean, there was three live conferences within like a month in the coaching space that are happening like right now. They're like, those, and you know, I would go to all of them. I'm about to go to Italy on my honeymoon. So if it was different timing, right. But you know, getting, going to events alone has so much impact in your business. Like,

Meghan Houle (42:01.804)

Yeah, it's like a van.

Meghan Houle (42:17.902)

You're like not today, but yeah.

Kat (42:27.385)

We always say, get yourself in the room, right? Pull up a seat to the table. Just going to events and going to, you know, other events that people are putting in the work to put on can give you so, such a benefit just by being there in the room and just being a participant. If you're genuinely like connecting, meeting new people, having conversations, if you're thinking about putting on your own event, I would say first things first, something that everyone should,

Meghan Houle (42:42.156)


Kat (42:57.741)

remind themselves of is there is not a big place for perfectionism, especially as entrepreneurs. You are going to fail many times. Like the amount of times that I failed events, I've had like flopped events or programs or anything like that. Like there's no growth without failure and you have to be okay and willing to fail and still and move regardless.

So there's no guarantee that your event's gonna go off without a hitch and nothing's gonna happen. Like events are a beast and probably something will happen that you didn't want it to. There'll probably be some component that will be like, that was a little different than what I wanted. To set yourself up for success when you're going into this, always like, you have to gauge

Meghan Houle (43:35.872)

Right. Yeah.

Kat (43:53.508)

the buy -in, I guess, of your community, the quality of your community. I'm not saying like, you should have over 10 ,000 followers on Instagram before you leave a live event. Like nothing like that. If you think of, know, if you have 500 followers on Instagram and they're all super engaged community members that like love everything you drop, they wanna jump on it, they're like, yes, the next offer, the next event, my God, I can't wait, I'm gonna sign up, I'm gonna be there, you know, then.

So it's not about like how many numbers you have, but of course, having an engaged community will help. And there's so many ways around that. Like it's so great to leverage other people's communities. You can do affiliates. You can give people, know, like affiliates are huge for events. The first Be Well Fest that I led, I didn't even live in, I was only living in Portland for like

Meghan Houle (44:25.899)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (44:30.93)


Meghan Houle (44:34.198)

Yeah. Yes.

Kat (44:48.023)

less than a year at that time. I was not plugged into that community at all, but I leveraged connections that I had made. I leveraged the hype around the event that I created and people wanted to be a part of it. and people came out of the woodworks to be like, Hey, how do I get involved? And then you leverage those connections and their communities. So if you don't have your own community, leverage other people's communities, and give yourself enough time to plan. That's something that I

Meghan Houle (45:11.106)

Alright, yeah.

Meghan Houle (45:15.872)


Kat (45:16.725)

I say a lot, like again, if you have a super hot bod in community, then yes, maybe you could throw, throw an, an event or retreat or something in a few weeks and people would jump in and fill it. But a lot of times you need time to be able to plan events, have a lot of logistics, a lot of moving pieces, a lot of coordination. And you also need time to market it and get it in front of people. And you know, there's the marketing saying that people need to see something like.

12 times before they'll buy. have to need to have like 12 good experiences with an offer. So, you know, there's a lot that goes into it. So give yourself enough time to plan. Yes, I do have a whole course on this called elevated events. And I go into the whole be well timeline, give you click up templates and everything else to consider when you're leading an event and how to market it and fill it and things like that. But

Meghan Houle (45:51.5)


Kat (46:12.245)

Overall, I would think about your community. I would give yourself plenty of time to plan it. I would be really intentional. This is the third thing I'll say about this for now is be so intentional about your event. When I first started Be Well events, I was just like, I like doing this and I like throwing events. And I wasn't intentional. I didn't have a next step for anybody. It didn't make sense in a bigger business or...

or offer model, was just like, let's get people together. And that was fulfilling. So I don't regret it at all. And it still was like building a community, but be intentional, be intentional. I keep saying intentional, be intentional about what place the event holds for you and how it ties into your bigger, big business model and your offer suite. And like, what's next for people? Do they go into one, one coaching with you? Do they go into a group program with you?

Meghan Houle (46:38.71)



Meghan Houle (46:45.868)


Meghan Houle (46:52.406)


Kat (47:04.861)

are you selling another event or a retreat? You know, what are you selling off of that? And then who specifically do you want at this event? My kind of favorite model is to have more dialed in and specific people at the event that really makes sense. And there are your dream clients and people that you would love to work with instead of just like casting a super wide net. Cause first of all, the bigger event you have, the more work it is to put on.

Meghan Houle (47:28.631)


Meghan Houle (47:32.684)


Kat (47:34.175)

and the less it's going to convert for your business if that's the intention of, you you need to be clear on what is the intention also of your event. Is it for sales and other parts of your business or is it just to get your name in front of more people? Like, what is the purpose?

Meghan Houle (47:42.775)


Meghan Houle (47:50.506)

Yeah. And I also feel like learning from my own event, which really was just to be like, okay, I can do it. I just, for me, Kat, like my biggest thing, you maybe remember working with me, like I kind of get like stuck and overwhelmed and that I'm like the worst talking about myself or like what's next. And I'm like, thanks for coming, guys. I hope you liked it. But like there's some, but sometimes your community is like more, more, more. But I feel like it was like a visibility and I'm so glad I did it. But you know, I do feel like also, and maybe you agree, like,

Kat (48:04.153)


Kat (48:07.801)


Yeah. Yeah, what's that?

Meghan Houle (48:20.034)

it's on us or those affiliate people that are really helping you promote it. not like the speakers you have great, but like they're not necessarily driving and like the traffic like you can't rely right. Like I'm having like a high ticket speaker like, someone's always coming. It's like, okay, cool. But like they're not, you're not, can't guarantee that just because someone's going to show up, they're bringing 20 people with them as a speaker. Right. So I think that's like a misconception, right? It's so weird. I know we could go into a whole thing about that, but

Kat (48:27.321)

Yeah. No, no. And they will be responsible for that. Yeah.

Kat (48:40.771)

No, yeah, definitely not. They might hardly even talk about it, yeah.

Meghan Houle (48:47.746)

Gosh, I feel like you're dropping so many nuggets. Well, before I let you go, because I do feel like you've come into this evolution, because how long have you had this business with that big juicy pivot? Has it been like five plus years or six or?

Kat (48:51.354)


Kat (49:03.021)

It's been what, four, five, we're getting close to five years, like four and a half years, I would say.

Meghan Houle (49:04.926)

Okay, amazing.

Yeah. So what are you feel like you're doing differently today that you've sort of learned with the lessons throughout like starting this business early on with all of your pillars? And I call them like spokes in the wheel to like work with you. How do you feel like you've evolved and like what are you, have you like really tightened up some of the offers or just gotten more strategic? Yeah. Talk to me a little bit about that. And then what are you working on? Yeah.

Kat (49:24.249)


Kat (49:32.558)


Yeah. Yeah. So my, have a year long mastermind called flourish. And that's really my, the main way that you can work with me right now. That's like kind of all roads lead back to flourish mostly. for me, that's been actually a big shift just in the last year. I before was launching a lots of different coaching offers. Like I mentioned elevated events. I had monetize your magic, which is now the well, Pnore business accelerator that helps you create market and sell.

Meghan Houle (49:46.072)



Meghan Houle (49:54.199)


Yeah, yeah

Kat (50:03.973)

offers online, I have a Soul Revival and Energetics program, like all these different programs, multiple Instagram programs, like growing on Instagram. And so I was in this ever evolving launch process. And then last year, the beginning of 2023, I got pregnant and I was like, my God. I, first off, my energy was zapped, you know, in pregnancy. And I was like,

I can't keep doing business the same way that I've been doing it up until now. And I was kind of like forced to simplify and it ended up being, I had already wanted to go in that direction before I found out I got pregnant. I'm like, I don't want to be on this launch roller coaster. Like the income roller coaster of super high, you know, launches where you're getting like this influx of cash and then you have low months. And it was like, my nervous system was all jacked up. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (50:51.626)

Right, it's a lot. Yes, girl, please, my life.

Kat (50:57.413)

financial planning is so much more difficult with that. And what I moved more towards was like this desire for stability, for grounded growth, for more ease. And that's not to say growing a business is easy by any means. You got to do the hard thing. You need courage. You got to show up for all of those things. Sometimes requires hard work, but to find ease in the process. And that's really what I was craving when I moved to last.

Meghan Houle (50:59.318)

Yes, yeah.

Kat (51:23.853)

at end of last year. And that's what I've really leaned into. And I just keep refining and pouring into my one signature program and making it better at every turn that I go. that is really, and what I found has helped, you know, obviously with building more monthly recurring revenue instead of being on a launch roller coaster where you're getting these influxes and then, you know,

Meghan Houle (51:36.3)


Kat (51:49.231)

having the lower months. So all of those things, like what I've leaned into on the business front and what I really encourage and help my clients do as well as like really refining and leaning into the, what they specialize in and creating an offer that's perfect for the majority of their community and really funneling things back into that and creating more like low ticket.

or free events on the front end that then upsell into that. you're doing, instead of like launching a whole couple thousand dollar brand new program every other month, you're more leaning into like the core way to work with you and then using smaller things as more visibility, getting people in the door, having people experience you, you know, because the coaching industry and everything else, the way people purchase have just shifted and changed so much over.

Meghan Houle (52:27.18)


Meghan Houle (52:40.138)


Kat (52:43.409)

over the last couple of years with how much the coaching industry has been booming. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, exactly. Yep. I've heard some horror stories. Yeah. Yep.

Meghan Houle (52:48.458)

and flux in unregulation. People like trying to take your cash and then you're like, I get nothing and which it always gives us a bad rap. I know. I, gosh, what a wonderful sort of journey of that. that hits with me so hard is like trying to think about all these things you create. It's like focus on like one really amazing thing that you want to offer. then how do you, yeah, get those like.

Kat (53:11.587)

Yes. And keep making it better. Yep.

Meghan Houle (53:15.426)

kind of like lower dangling situations where maybe people can kind of do a one -off or a free thing, but then it all bubbles up into this like bigger purpose that you just keep fueling and continue to make bigger and better. Are you still planning to do events? Like what is the, 20, 25 hold for you girl? Like any big things coming up there in the event side or like micro events, which I know you were doing earlier this year, yeah.

Kat (53:22.339)


Kat (53:33.795)

Yes. I'm... Yes. Yeah. So I had the visionary half -day retreat that you came to back in March. So I did a couple of those and I've morphed that into, because I work a lot on the marketing front with my clients and I work with a lot of, of course, online business owners. So...

comes with what comes with that is a lot of content creation and marketing. So I have a new half day event retreat style that is called content creatress. And in that there's yeah, there's professional like mini professional photography sessions, we do tons of B roll. And we actually map out your whole quarters worth of content of

Meghan Houle (53:59.766)


Meghan Houle (54:08.258)

I don't know.

Kat (54:20.15)

Okay, what's coming up for you? What are you selling? What is the focus? Like kind of strategy behind your content and then map out some different content ideas so that you can shoot specific B roll to have handy and ready to go. for when you're creating content to make that part of your business a lot more useful, then you'll have some professional photos to go along with that. so that is planned to be a quarterly event that's coming up. The next one will be in, in, mid November.

Meghan Houle (54:20.405)


Meghan Houle (54:45.122)

Super fun.


Kat (54:49.381)

And then of course, Flourish will be enrolling for a January start. It's a year long program. So that will be 2025. Yes.

Meghan Houle (54:56.14)

Woo hoo! Yeah, it's New Year. Getting to Cat's Mastermind in this is something virtual, right? So anyone listening in from all over can join you within this mastermind. Yeah, awesome. so good. And that content course, how friggin' smart, because I will tell you the amount of times that's come out of my mouth, like, I just need a day where I'm just doing content. Like, if I had a nickel, we'd be on a boat somewhere in the south of France, you know? But sometimes you just,

Kat (55:02.147)


Kat (55:06.595)

Yeah, the mastermind. Yeah, absolutely. Yep.

Kat (55:17.953)

Yes, seriously.

Kat (55:23.521)

Exactly, exactly. All about that batch creating.

Meghan Houle (55:26.578)

Right? You just need it so that you can access it and then it doesn't feel so stressful. that's so exciting. Well, I know you've also just had so many big pivots, baby marriage, like this is your year. So I'm just so excited for you and you are just someone that inspires me daily. So, no, so thank you for just your beautiful wisdom and your...

Kat (55:31.343)

Yeah, totally.

Kat (55:37.012)

Mmm, yep.


Kat (55:45.989)

Same to you.

Meghan Houle (55:49.824)

energy and like the universe bringing us together? Like how fortunate am I to know you and someone listening in because you just really made a huge meaningful pivot early on in your career where you saw things that weren't serving you, you followed your passions fearlessly. What would you, what advice would you give to someone listening in that wants to be a cat? You know, that's like, get me out of this sales job. You know, to really pivot with purpose. Like what do you feel like really helped you maybe over and over again that you

Kat (56:11.162)


Meghan Houle (56:17.856)

how to tell yourself to really make that true pivot with purpose if someone's struggling.

Kat (56:22.854)

Good question. So one of the core things that I would say is really trust yourself and know that it's freaking possible for you because our brains love to trick us and make us think of all the reasons why it won't work because our brains love to keep us safe and stuck in the familiar. So you're going to come up with a million reasons why you can't, why it won't work for you, why somebody else has the secret sauce and you don't.

but that's all bullshit. I'm not sure if I can swear here, but that's all bull. Yes, you absolutely can. You have what it takes. Of course, if you're still working in a corporate job, I would say lean into that, you know, safety net, so to speak of your salary and use that period of time to invest in support, to build it out. I have a lot of people that are like, well, I'm still in corporate. can't, can't whatever, but

Meghan Houle (56:50.368)

Yeah, swear it out, girl. Speak the truth. Yeah.

Kat (57:17.549)

I'm like, there's no shame. You don't have to go quit your corporate job and just like try to figure it out. Like get support, build it out now while you have that as, you know, like funding you to be able to build it out and then, you know, create a plan and execute.

Meghan Houle (57:20.578)

No. Yeah. Yes.

Meghan Houle (57:32.034)

Well, I know lots of people that consistently listen in are doing just that where they're teaching yoga or you know, kind of building on this practice, whether they want to grow their podcast or whatnot, and still doing like the nine to five and locking in and having that safety security until they can turn into something bigger, whatever your goals are, that you're going to balance it and it's going to be amazing, but just start.

Kat (57:37.719)

Mm. Yeah.

Kat (57:45.411)

Mm -hmm. Yep. Exactly.

Meghan Houle (57:52.692)

know that you can do it. maybe for someone interested in working with you, Kat, like what's the best way to reach you? Like obviously everyone go into the show notes, click all the links, Kat shared, like follow her on Insta. But what's the best way for like your favorite platform for people to engage and connect DM you that they listened to our episode.

Kat (58:10.487)

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, definitely come over to Instagram. Hang with me there. Send me a DM. I love to actually connect and actually go binge the podcast as well. The Wealthy and Well Woman podcast is a great way to connect deeper and kind of see like my philosophies on stuff. I've got a lot of free trainings over there as well. But yeah, come hang on Instagram and I'd love to meet you and chat further.

Meghan Houle (58:17.708)

Yes, you do.

Meghan Houle (58:36.118)

Get to see our cutesy family and our cutesy dog. well, he knew. He was like, no, girl, this is your time to shine, my gosh. Well, thank you so much. I know this was like so many fun things in the making for us to come together. But again, like you really just inspire me. And I hope anyone listening in is inspired by the podcast.

Kat (58:39.447)

Yes. I'm so happy Winston and Bart during this actually.

Thank you.

Kat (58:54.562)


Meghan Houle (59:02.348)

Please you guys, if you're looking to invest in an amazing coach to help build business, if you're in wellness or a coach or just even like looking to get an offer, like get into Cat's Mash. Ryan, I'm telling you, working with Cat has been some of the best investments I've ever made. So thank you again for all of your generous time and advice. And I can't wait to see you soon and to see what's next. So wishing you all the best, my friend.

Kat (59:25.803)

Megan, I just love you. Thank you so much. You have the best energy. I'm so grateful to know you and thank you so much for having me here.


Pivot With Purpose Season 6 Episode 20 Alexandra Goresh Full Transcript