Pivot With Purpose Season 6 Episode 10 Julia Haart Full Transcript

Meghan Houle (00:04.2)

Welcome to the Pivot With Purpose podcast. my gosh, it is like such a pleasure. Yeah. How are you doing today? What's going on in your world?

Julia Haart (00:05.966)


Hi Megan, so nice to see you.

Julia Haart (00:15.278)

I mean, it ain't too bad, right? I'm doing great. I'm doing really well. Thank you. I love the summer.

Meghan Houle (00:17.704)

Yeah. Good. Yay. Well, I'm, yeah, no, summer is the best. And, you know, I feel like we're really in our season now in the Northeast where it's hot, but like at the end of the day, the weather, we always complain. We're the Northeast. We're going to complain no matter what, but, you know, fingers crossed for a beautiful summer. And, you know, thank you so much for spending your time today with me and our listeners. I'm so excited to talk about.

Julia Haart (00:30.258)



Meghan Houle (00:44.424)

your story and there's so many synergies within us already that we we dove into. But to kick off, you know, I would love for you to maybe give a little intro also within yourself of like, where are we catching you right now? Like what's going on in your world? What are you super amped about? Like tell us Julia June, like what's going on? Like what are you pumped about? Yeah.

Julia Haart (00:46.99)


Julia Haart (01:06.35)

So, you know, I am, I created this movement, I guess, called Omnation, ahmnation .com, which I'm very involved in. It's a way to combat anti -Semitism. It's kind of like the support system for people who are being attacked online.

to give them the courage and a safe space where they're not going to get vilified and attacked for just talking, speaking the truth and saying that racism and anti -Semitism is bad. So I'm very involved in that currently. I'm in the process of working on a movie, my first movie that I've ever done. But it's not finalized yet, so we can't announce it yet. You know, I have another TV show that I'm filming and I'm almost

at the end of my divorce. There is a worn out for my husband's arrest. You know, after two and a half years of, you know, basically calling me everything I think but a witch. I don't think I got accused of witchcraft, but I'm pretty sure I got accused of literally everything else. Con artistry, lying, stealing, wait, I'm missing some. Seductress. I'm sure there's a few more that I'm missing.

Meghan Houle (02:18.632)


Julia Haart (02:21.55)

After two and a half years with not one piece of paper, not one document, it is now clear and evident to everyone that it was a fabrication from start to finish. And now with all the evidence coming out, you see who the bad players really are. And it's really exciting because I want justice and I'm excited to get it. And it's been a tune up your journey, but we're almost there. Truth always wins. That's the truth. That's it. Truth always wins. I believe that.

Meghan Houle (02:44.584)

Yeah. Yeah. my gosh. So we're catching on a season, like a season of like all goodness, like, God.

Julia Haart (02:51.918)

Everything changing and yeah and like you know no more past it's all forward you know and it just it's taken two and a half years to get to the place where it's finally time for documents and discovery and guess what every document says I've been telling the truth all the time so it just feels good to start the beginning process of justice we have a ways to go but I want my justice and I'm gonna get it

Meghan Houle (02:58.92)

I love that.

Meghan Houle (03:15.944)

Good. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, through this, I'm sending you my Megan, like magic, all the vibes, like we're in a new season. We are in a new season. Yeah. Love it. Well, and within that, there are also so many pivots. I mean, beyond what you were mentioning and

Julia Haart (03:25.294)

Thank you. Manifest, baby. Manifest. That's it. Like it's time for truth and justice to win.

Julia Haart (03:41.134)

boy, no joke.

Meghan Houle (03:43.144)

I can't wait to dive in. I'm like, I feel like this should be a show, but more to come on that. So tell us about, because I love to talk about early experiences, upbringings. I know there's definitely some stories in for anybody that's watching Unorthodox Life, Netflix, definitely going back into your history and your path and your religious path and your community and all of that. So you were born in Moscow, right? Moved to the US.

Julia Haart (03:46.83)

Ha ha ha.

Meghan Houle (04:11.208)

grew up in a very strict Jewish community. How did your early experiences and upbringing shape your perspective on life and career?

Julia Haart (04:20.142)

I don't take freedom for granted. I am a fierce warrior for freedom. And I love to work. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I wasn't allowed to. And so to me, working, being creative, being allowed to exercise my intellect, my will, my passion, my strength, I don't take that for granted. I lost 53 years of my life. I'm not losing another 53 seconds.

Let's try it.

Meghan Houle (04:50.984)

Amen. my God. I mean, already. So in the, in 2013, right, you made a big decision to leave. you know, do you feel like that was like that first big pivot where you're like, something's gotta change? Like what was like that first like pivotal moment for you or like, I'm out. Yeah. Yeah.

Julia Haart (05:03.822)

yeah. Pivot one is I'm out, right? I gave myself permission to say it's not me, it's these laws. And again, I want to be very clear because I am a massive advocate, as I think everyone knows for the Jewish people. The issues I have and will always have with any community that puts women...

into a box based on literally their biology and tells them that their purpose is to be wives and mothers, I'm going to have an issue with it and I'm going to fight it in every place I can. Whether I find it in Iran or I find it in Munzee or I fight, I don't care. Fundamentalism is the diametric opposite of freedom and I'm going to fight it. Obviously there are gradations of fundamentalism. Obviously Qamas is the most extreme version where they're literally chopping people's heads off and raping

people, you know, fundamentalist Christians and Jews don't hurt, physically hurt people, right? They're not going out there saying we're going to conquer the world and kill everyone who doesn't agree with us. So obviously that's the most extreme form. But fundamentalism exists everywhere. And to me that is the, I guess the flip side of my freedom is that

You know, I had so many pivots. The first one was recognizing that this isn't okay, that I'm not stupid or the men, that I shouldn't have to be silent, that I shouldn't have to be covered up and not be forward -facing because guys can't control themselves. Yes, they can. And then the next pivot, I guess, would be actually walking out of the community eight years later.

And then the next pivot would be becoming a fashion designer. And then the next pivot would be transforming into a talent media mogul. And then the next one would be the divorce and the shapewear brand and the activism. And yeah, so it's, I basically pivot monthly apparently.

Meghan Houle (06:55.944)

Like we were saying before, we pivot, we will always pivot. People get so nervous with the pivots, but within those pivots, there's so much magic when you start to really focus in on what's not serving you, where you want to be, what you want to do with your life, others telling you otherwise, and you forging a path forward of not subscribing to any of that, which I love you for. Yes.

Julia Haart (07:11.086)

Mm -hmm.

Julia Haart (07:19.47)

Yeah, and honestly, aww thank you, Megan. You're so kind. I think you're exactly the savior. And I think that, you know, I get this all the time and I understand the dilemma. There's only X amount of pages, sentences or words you can use, but like people will say, okay, we're about to introduce you at this speaking event. How should we introduce you? What do we say you are? Are you a fashion designer? Are you an author? Are you a television personality? Are you a producer?

And I'm like, I'm all of those things who determine that we can only be one thing or three things or five things. What we don't realize is that we are capable of so much more than we ever even attempt to accomplish. And what I have found is when I attempt to accomplish something, it generally works out really well.

Meghan Houle (08:07.848)

Yeah, can I give you a new title? Just say like, I'm a multi -hyphenated badass, okay?

Julia Haart (08:12.59)

Ooh, I like that.

Meghan Houle (08:15.592)

Call me for all your PR needs.

Julia Haart (08:17.07)

And introducing to the stage a multi -hyphenate badass. There is no pride there at all. Fuck you go, forget it.

Meghan Houle (08:26.056)

I mean, it really keeps it like mysterious. So then you can like loop in like what the baddies parts of you are. I love it.

Julia Haart (08:32.27)

This is a weird question to answer because I really think that I don't ever want to put myself in a box. Who knows what I'll discover I can do next year? I want to keep on innovating, creating, changing. This is Julia 3 .0. Who knows what Julia 4 .0 will look like? 5 .0. I am the eternal metamorphosizer, I guess you can say.

Meghan Houle (08:35.816)

Yeah. No, yeah. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (08:45.975)

huh. Yeah, cute.

Meghan Houle (08:53.8)

No, and it's so inspirational. It really is because I feel like so many people and we are talking about it. I would love to like dive into like the retail and the fashion side of you. We'll do that next. But the people that just get stuck thinking, well, I'm this age or I'm this or I'm this. And of course, we are so good at telling ourselves like we can't do things. Right. But I feel like we're I mean, you you are you have this like natural fire in your soul. Like I totally feel it.

Julia Haart (09:12.59)


Meghan Houle (09:19.304)

But I'm sure a lot of women come to you and they're like, how do you do it? Or I'm feeling like I'm too old or it's just not the right time. What do you share a lot within your community in terms of like, just do it, babe, like just do it. I feel like we're just so good at holding ourselves back.

Julia Haart (09:35.278)

Great question. It's such a complicated question. It's a beautifully complex question. So I think, if you don't mind, I'm going to actually give two separate answers. So I think on the one side, the answer is very simple in the sense that women have been told what they can't do and what they're incapable of doing for such a long time that women believe it of themselves. Women...

Meghan Houle (09:42.664)

Totally, yeah.

Julia Haart (09:59.278)

We'll put down other women. Women will put down themselves down, right? Because they have been told their entire lives, wait your turn, be polite. You know, you're asking for too much. Don't be greedy. Don't... We have been forced into this role of well -behaved, elegant, blah, blah, for centuries while the guys got to rule the world and, you know...

Let's look at what situation the world is in now. It's a disaster area. So first and foremost, I would say, don't ask permission. What are you waiting for? Stop waiting. Get your tushy up and put one foot forward and then the next foot forward and you will get it done. You will make mistakes. You will mess up. Terrible things will happen and then wonderful things will happen. And that is the journey. So just...

fucking start the journey. Put your first foot forward. That's the only thing you can do is just start. That's it. And I think the second part of it is a little bit more difficult because I think that two and a half years ago when all this stuff came out about me, people believed it very quickly without any proof. I had all these documents or all this evidence and he had none and yet everyone was like, reality star Mary's rich guy, right? It was such a, because it's a familiar story.

My story is not a familiar story. And the other annoying thing about my story is that it's really hard to make an excuse as to why you're not living your best life when you talk to me.

Because I have no education, I didn't know anybody, I had nothing. I was a no one. So sometimes, you know, looking at me you could be like, then what excuse do I have in my life for not making changes? So my answer is gonna be don't be afraid of it, it's okay. You know, instead of looking for excuses to not change your life, take a look at me and realize if this little idiot can do it, anybody can do it.

Julia Haart (12:05.134)

Right? If I just so strongly believe in women, I really do. They're brilliant. They're hard. Do you know what I have found in all my advocacy work and everything I'm doing? We always have these like groups, right? All these groups for, you know, helping, you know, different organizations, blah, blah. The men do all the talking, the women get shit done. Every single time. It's unbelievable. Every time in a group of people.

Meghan Houle (12:29.992)


Julia Haart (12:34.062)

where there's men and women and we're talking about some plan for some kind of advocacy. The men are fantastic at speaking. Terrific. Who actually gets things done? The women. So all I want to say is that it's so possible. It's so doable. Women, you're amazing. Believe me, trust me, you can accomplish. I know it with every fiber of my being.

Meghan Houle (13:02.856)


Julia Haart (13:02.894)

I can't, ugh. I wish I could just show people what they, who they really truly are and how much they can accomplish if they realize that they can.

Meghan Houle (13:13.896)

Yeah. When I feel like in that message, fear is such a crazy thing, right? It's like fear of feeling uncomfortable, fear of the unknown, fear of that. But I also feel like Julia, and maybe you agree and can talk to this, it's the people that are in your life as well telling you and feeding you all the things. And I've been talking about this so passionately, like the people who are holding you down because they don't want to see the new version of you because it's not going to serve them any longer.

Julia Haart (13:31.374)

no doubt.

Julia Haart (13:41.102)

and even more frightening, again, what's their excuse? I think that's why when you're changing, it's very difficult for the people around you because people are uncomfortable with change. Wait a minute, she's becoming more confident? Why?

Meghan Houle (13:52.776)


Like how dare she? Yeah.

Julia Haart (13:56.686)

What, how dare she, right? That's the attitude. Not always, right? You can also have very supportive friends who are on that journey with you, who are constantly transforming themselves as well. So it's not always that way, but that's why you have to be very careful who you surround yourself with. You know, in Hebrew, all Hebrew words come from what's called a shoresh, a root. And the root of every word,

Meghan Houle (14:05.992)


Julia Haart (14:25.294)

gives you a lot of understanding of what the word actually means. So the Hebrew word for influence or like, you know, your friends rubbing off on you, right, is called hashpah. That's influence in Hebrew. Now it comes from a three -letter source, a shoresh, a three -letter source, and that is shippuah, shinpei ayat, which means a roof slant.

Now what does a roof slant have to do with who you surround yourself with and being influenced by the people you surround yourself? Well, what happens when rain falls on a roof slant? Goes right down and hits whoever's sitting under it. That's influence. Whoever you're around, they're going to be raining on you. Whether they're going to be raining joy on your head and positivity and love, or they're going to be raining misery and doubt and fear.

You are going to get soaked with everyone around you, their emotional state, their belief systems, and so be careful who you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with positive people. Surround yourself with people who think they can, instead of think they can't.

Meghan Houle (15:31.912)


Meghan Houle (15:38.088)

Absolutely. I love that visual. Like that's like of core memory locked now. Thank you for that. We're in the core of roof. You're amazing. So let's like dig into early career beginnings fashion wise. So leaving the community, you went off like really started your entrepreneurial journey, started shoe company, then became the creative director for Le Perle, which we all love, which is like a huge milestone. So, you know, as you started off on this new entrepreneurial journey.

Julia Haart (15:42.126)


Meghan Houle (16:07.368)

How did you approach it? What were some of the most rewarding and then maybe challenging aspects of working in fashion and luxury? Would love to talk about that journey in the world for you, yes.

Julia Haart (16:19.182)

So designing is the thing I think that comes easiest to me. Like, you know, I have to work on a lot of other things, right? I have to, I had to teach myself so many other things. In a weird way, designing, I never had to teach myself. I don't, it's just something I've been doing since I was five, you know? So to me, designing is like eating, I mean, I'm allergic to chocolate, so I'm gonna take a guess, but like eating a chocolate bar, you know, or having a nice glass of red wine.

It's so immersive and relaxing for me. Like, I love it. So my greatest difficulty in the beginning was killing designs. Right? Like someone would ask me for three shoe ideas and I would send 30. And then people told me like, Julie, you've got to learn to winnow. Winnow, winnow, winnow, winnow. So that's been a real tough one for me. And I think the other thing is that I always buck against the trend.

Meghan Houle (17:01.544)


Julia Haart (17:15.054)

The minute someone tells me this is how something's done, don't really care. When I came into the industry, and this is crazy to say that because this is like, we're talking 2013 that I started my shoe company. I started talking about luxury and comfort. That women shouldn't only feel, shouldn't only look beautiful, they should feel beautiful too. And...

People thought I was crazy to the extent that when I continued that concept in La Perla, created the first ever stretch leavers lace so that when you wore a thong, it didn't feel like a mm, up your mm. And we literally did away with the bra, put bras into clothing so that you could buy something by your cup size and your dress size, which by the way, I'm doing in plus body, really excited about that. We innovated to not.

Meghan Houle (17:50.728)


Julia Haart (18:08.334)

so that women shouldn't have to be forced to choose between beauty and comfort. And when I came into the industry, I was told, Julia, comfort is a dirty word in the fashion industry. Comfort is for nurses and little old ladies. Literally what I was told. I was like, that's ridiculous. How can a woman live her full life, feel free if her clothes are constricting her, if she can't move her elbows?

If she sucked in in ways that literally can't breathe. If her feet hurt her so badly that when she gets home at the end of the day, her toe is bleeding. Like, how can you live a life when your head to toe is suffering? It's ludicrous. And so I think that that was really kind of, again, it's about freedom. It was freeing women from this idea that we should suffer for beauty. Who decided? Men certainly don't suffer for beauty at all, ever. Why should we?

Meghan Houle (19:03.976)

Yeah. I know. That's such a good question you posed and also all those things, shoe bleeding, uncomfortable, like been there, done that. Working in retail for so many years on my feet in Aldo shoes. Okay, shout out to Aldo, love you. But like my toes, my forefoot, I was like, what happened to your feet? I was like, cause the heels look good, you know? I'm glad for Ben.

Julia Haart (19:21.582)

It just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense. Yeah, but then... But you shouldn't have to choose. The thing is, of course you want your heels to look good and you want to look sexy and sensual and you want them to be beautiful. But that shouldn't negate the fact that they should also be walkable and comfortable. And there's no reason that you can't have both. My shoe company proved that. They were comfortable and they were sexy as F, right? And the same thing with lingerie.

Meghan Houle (19:31.08)


Meghan Houle (19:38.984)

Totally. yes.


Yeah, ugh, yeah, yeah.

Julia Haart (19:48.814)

No one had ever incorporated stretch into lace into chiffon. We changed the way we put stretch into threads and we made the first ever stretch lace and wools. And it was incredible because, you know, I can't, I think, who was it for? It was actually a guy. he's such a brilliant actor. I'm so bad with names. He plays an empire. Wait, I'm gonna tell you his name in a second. Empire.

Meghan Houle (20:20.104)

Hold please.

Julia Haart (20:21.422)

Sorry guys, Empire TV show. It just, he deserves a shout out because he was so lovely to me. Terrence Howard. So I designed, when I was at Le Pearl, I designed something that Terrence Howard wore to the Oscars and it got a lot of awards like best dressed man, blah, blah, blah. And one of my favorite comments that he made, and I was so grateful to him that he, no one asked him to do this, he wasn't paid to do it. He just, out of his own kindness of his heart, he said, I feel like I'm wearing pajamas.

and look at me. And that was the idea, that you could look incredible and elegant and beautiful, but also be comfortable. So that's been the trajectory of my career. It's coming into an industry, turning it upside down, and making it into what I think it should be, because I just want women to have more. And that's pretty much it.

Meghan Houle (20:51.464)

So good, yeah.

Meghan Houle (21:02.312)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (21:09.992)

Yeah. And from your transition from La Perla, before you really got into Plus Body, there's a pivot in there. I mean, that's, I think, where you took on the role with Elite World Group, which you really implemented some significant changes. Can you talk about that pivot in the vision for your company, how you navigated that transition from a fashion designer to business leader? Yes.

Julia Haart (21:21.326)


Julia Haart (21:32.942)

So honestly, I didn't want to do it. I hated the idea of models altogether because women standing in a line having some guy choose them, it just did not gel with what I believe in. I just thought that models were not well treated. I didn't like the whole industry. I thought that they were belittled. I just hated the whole system. I just didn't like the system.

Meghan Houle (21:42.28)


Julia Haart (21:59.374)

you know, I was challenged with changing it. I was like, you know what? Yeah, I can do this. I can change it. And so what did we do? I realized that the talent, they are the media. They have the audience. Instead of creative directors and casting agents choosing them, now the creative directors and casting agents are chasing after them because they bring the audience. I literally shifted the power dynamic into the hands of my models, my talent, and I didn't care if you walked a runway or if you...

hit a baseball or if you played, I don't care. If you have an audience, what my job was was to help you monetize it in a way that gave you longevity, power and control, freedom, so that you didn't have to stand in the line anymore. So instead of you chasing them, they were coming and chasing you. And then we aggregated all of this talent together and we created data suites so that the brands...

could advertise products with people who actually believed in them. And you can't fake it. And so we brought together the right talent with the right product of people who would actually use the product that they were using. And we literally changed the way that marketing is done. We made marketing trackable, quantifiable with an ROI at the end. We made it so that a CMO could go to a CFO and say, here's how much I spent, here's how much we got.

Meghan Houle (22:59.08)


Meghan Houle (23:23.592)


Julia Haart (23:25.39)

For the first time in history, and this has been, I think, fact check up the wazoo, in 2021, before I got kicked out, when COVID ended and the world opened up a little, my first big campaign was for Steve Madden with my aggregated talent and my, by the way, I started avatars in EWG in 2019, three years before everyone else was avataring. So we did an avatar virtual storefront and all of these really incredible things.

And for the first time in history, in a third order, in a third quarter earnings call, public company, the CEO, Steve Madden, attributed the highest sales in the company's history and the highest traffic to their website, to my campaign. So we literally transformed the way that people market and advertise. We made it more honest, more real, and in a way that hit...

the right people who would actually want that product and we made it trackable. As a brand you could pull into our website and you could track your campaign every five seconds. So it's always been about finding a way to free women, whether it's from comfort or financial, you know, inability to be financially independent or from having to stand in a line and have guys tell you you're too short or too fat or too whatever. I, ugh, I just hated that.

Meghan Houle (24:35.08)


Meghan Houle (24:52.872)


Julia Haart (24:54.158)

I wanted women to have the control. I wanted the models to have the power. And, you know, I'm really proud of what we built. I took a company that was valued at $70 million in two years through COVID without a single dollar of outside investment. And we built a billion dollar business on it. So, yeah, that's not too shabby.

Meghan Houle (25:13.704)


multi -hyphenated baddie focusing on freeing

Julia Haart (25:26.83)

That's really it. That's the... That's the thread.

Julia Haart (25:42.414)


Julia Haart (26:04.782)

what happened?

Meghan Houle (26:05.94)

Stupid system. I'm telling you like I'm about to like throw this computer off the sometimes Riverside it's like been shutting down I mean recently don't get me started, but our conversation is still safe. So I'm like, my god anyway Pivoting back up here too. So tell us about Elite world and your pivot there because I know you had mentioned in your previous comment, you know sort of comment that you got kicked out What was that like story transition and then like?

Julia Haart (26:14.606)


Meghan Houle (26:35.476)

where did that lead you to kind of where you are today? And I know you have the brand, you have wrote a book, you have your series. Tell us a little bit about that middle journey, yeah.

Julia Haart (26:44.622)

Well, I think, you know, when the whole drama happened, when I asked for a divorce and realized that, you know, one...

I only caught 1 .5 million in the beginning that was being taken out. Wait till you see the real numbers, those will be coming soon. Pretty mind -blowing. Mind -blow - I mean, just mind -blow. But okay, we'll get there when we get there. Point being, when that happened to me, I had to find a way because I wasn't gonna let any man stop my mission. And the mission has always been freedom, and if I couldn't do it through that - So I started creating these, I called them founder - female founder forums. I would have women at my house.

Meghan Houle (27:02.324)

Yeah. Yeah.

Julia Haart (27:20.688)

who had new businesses and I would bring in VC funders and I would

match VC funders with women's led businesses because it was shocking to believe 4 % of VC funding goes to women led businesses. 4%. It's wild. Anyway, so I did that and then I became a massive political activist when they repealed Roe vs Wade and then I drove ambulances to Ukraine because I thought that they were the freedom fighters of our time and they really...

Meghan Houle (27:36.436)

Yeah, I know, I know.

Julia Haart (27:53.262)

they needed to know that the world stood behind them. And then of course, the whole thing with Israel happens. And obviously I became a big activist for the Jewish people. And I started, I relaunched Plus Body and I am so beyond excited with it. And I have another television show I'm filming and a movie. Yeah, I think that's it. forgot, I forgot.

Meghan Houle (28:16.948)

Yes. So beyond that, I know you're still dealing with some headaches. Yes.

Julia Haart (28:23.534)

A vibrator which is coming, I invented a new vibrator, I'm really excited about that. So that should be hitting stores hopefully by December, but if not by Mother's Day of next year. Either in time for Christmas or in time for Mother's Day, one of the two.

Meghan Houle (28:34.58)

just in time for Christmas. You're like, Merry Christmas. Or like, we're just going to celebrate in general. But so, you know, I think through that, like going back to Plus Body, because I knew what we were talking about before we came on and, you know, being in fashion and I'm so obsessed with your brand, I can't wait to continue to like work and stay in touch with you. But, you know, tell us a little bit about, you know, you really focus on body positivity, inclusivity.

What inspired you to create this line and how do you ensure that you are really promoting these values like through and through with this line consistently?

Julia Haart (29:10.158)

You ask such good questions. I love your questions. Love it. In Hebrew, there's an expression, she 'elah tovah chatzit shuval, which means a good question is half an answer. So great question. Knowing what to ask is amazing. So thank you for that. So the idea behind Plus Body started when I watched Bridget Jones's diary. You know that scene where she's sitting on her bed and she has to decide, does she wear the granny panties so she can feel more confident in her dress?

so she can get the guy, but then she doesn't want to bring him home. And so, and then of course she forgets, she gets tipsy and you know, he sees it and he makes so much fun of it. And that moment of like sheer shame in her face. And I hate that. Like I can't stand the thought that women feel that way about themselves. It literally makes me crazy. I don't know why it bothers me so much. I don't want women to feel shame. I don't want women to be uncomfortable or embarrassed about their bodies.

I want them to have it all. And so that was kind of the idea. We had to change the way we color clothing because the reason shapewear is beige, white and black is because when you stretch it, if it's a color and you're stretching it, the color fades, you know, you get those nasty lines, the pattern distorts, it looks so ugly, which is why shapewear has always been beige, white and black. So we had to re create a new way to color material so that no matter how much you stretched it, it didn't budge. And that's what we managed to do. It took us a while.

Meghan Houle (30:23.348)

Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (30:38.516)


Julia Haart (30:38.606)

And then we launched Plus Body last year. I think we're almost sold out. I think we have like a few pieces left in different sizes. Like it's such a strange little like one over here and three over there, you know, like that kind of stuff. But it's predominantly sold out. And the beauty about the fact that in addition to having brands, I have a television show, is that my audience communicates with me and my clientele.

shared their issues with the product. And I loved it because three of the things they said were number one, genius, number two, correct, and number three, helped me make it into an even better brand. So the complaints, I don't want to say, yeah, complaints, fuck it, complaints. The complaints we got were, number one, it was too expensive. And that is a legitimate complaint. If my whole thing is that I want everyone possible to feel beautiful, I should try and make it as inexpensive as humanly possible so as many women can wear it as humanly possible.

That was a lot of humanly possibles in that sentence. Okay. It's all, there you go. Well, so we went back to the drawing board. We spent seven months trying to figure out a way because of course what we do is very expensive, right? We've changed the way we color things. The things that we're doing are not typical. So I challenged us if we could find a way of doing that same thing, but cheaper. And we did it.

Meghan Houle (31:37.012)

It's okay. It's all humanly possible. It's fine.

Julia Haart (32:00.686)

So our original price range was from 78 to $198, which for a lot of people is pretty pricey. Our new price range is 33 to $78. The highest, most expensive thing there is 78. So I am so excited about it because it means all those tens of thousands of women who genuinely said, Julia, we want to buy your product. We can't afford it. Hopefully a lot more of them will be able to do so. So that was number one. I was really excited about number two. People said,

Meghan Houle (32:11.764)


Meghan Houle (32:26.836)


Julia Haart (32:30.766)

Your things are too constricted, which is great for when we're partying, you know, we're on an event or we're going to a wedding, whatever. Sometimes even when we don't feel uncomfortable about our bodies, we still want something that just holds everything into place. So the next collection has four different gradations of suck you in this from super light just to hold things in place to suck me up and make me, you know, whatever. I just want everyone to have whatever they want.

Meghan Houle (32:50.196)

Ugh, love that.

Meghan Houle (32:57.492)

Yeah. Yeah.

Julia Haart (32:59.438)

So now we have four credations of compression. And the last one is the only one where I'm sitting here and thinking to myself, how come I didn't think of this? This is such a neat thing to, I didn't. And I'm so grateful to the people who said, Julia, this is what you should be doing. So many women wrote in and said, wait a minute, if you're coloring shapewear and you can do this to anything, why can't you build a shapewear clothing hybrid? I don't want to wear shapewear at all. Make me t -shirts and tank tops and.

things that already have the shape were built in. And I was like, well, damn, that's genius. And so that's what we've done. Our next collection, which will be coming to stores in September is ready to wear with your bra and your shapewear built inside. You don't have to wear a bra. You don't have to wear shapewear. It holds you in place. It's a regular tank top, a regular camisole. The,

Meghan Houle (33:31.124)

Yeah, genius.

Julia Haart (33:57.934)

Let's see if I have a, yeah, I do actually have a photo. But like literally, that's what's...

Meghan Houle (33:59.636)

So catch me just wearing plus body for the foreseeable future. No, but literally, Julie, you want to know what I'm known for? Because literally no one gives two pop tarts about fashion my recruiting. It's fashion, cats, and apparel spritz. Like truly, that's all the memes that I get. But the fashion piece of it, they're like, Megan, what are you wearing? And going back to even the models and the brand connections, the community that you have, my god, I love it. Yes. Yeah.

Julia Haart (34:09.166)

Tell me. I love that two puff tarts.

Julia Haart (34:18.094)

I love it.

Julia Haart (34:24.045)

Do you see this? Look at this, one second, hold on. This is Marcie from Good Morning with Marcie. She is wearing the bodysuit. Ugh, it's like a, okay, I don't know if you can see, but the bra's inside. You can't see the bra from the outside. The bra is inside. So you buy the bodysuit by your cup size and your dress size. We go from XS to XXXL.

Meghan Houle (34:33.748)

yeah. Yep. You guys sneak peek over here. I can. Yeah. What's like the yeah.

amen. Yes.

Julia Haart (34:53.87)

We go from an A cup to an F cup. And so you put on a tank top, you don't need a bra. It will shape you and hold you in place and feel comfortable in one piece. And so I am so excited about that entire part. And of course, you know, I like my patterns and my colors. I think they're things that people will hopefully love and enjoy. But you know, to me again, it's freeing women from discomfort.

Meghan Houle (34:54.004)


Meghan Houle (34:57.492)


Meghan Houle (35:01.876)

That's it.

Julia Haart (35:22.766)

How many of us, the minute we get home, the first thing we do is unhook our bra? First thing we do. Well, you don't have to, because the garment itself holds the cups in place. There is no hook. There is no bra. It's built into the clothing. And if this 53 -year -old, double D, well, I don't know. I mean, thank you. That's very kind. But also, like, my boobs travel. They wander. They have a mind of their own. They don't like staying in place.

Meghan Houle (35:27.508)


Meghan Houle (35:41.044)

Hot, hot mama, yep.

Same, yeah.

Julia Haart (35:51.118)

This pulls them exactly where they need to be without a bra.

Meghan Houle (35:53.748)

Game changer. Well, I feel like there's also this like no bra movement. We've been in for like a while, right? I'm like, you know, and my husband will scream at me and he's like, you know, I'm like, no, I'm not wearing a bra because I can't because this dress doesn't make sense. But I just feel like it's like one less thing like to put it on like boom out the door. Yeah.

Julia Haart (35:59.502)

I love this movement.

Julia Haart (36:04.398)

Bye bye.

Julia Haart (36:13.102)

It's just one less thing. Exactly. And then think of all the machinations women do. It's like if you're wearing something super low cut and you can't put a bra on, they'll be stickies and the pasties and the gel. It doesn't, but so we created ones that have this massive bead down the bottle, you know, all the way through. So you could wear a super low cut and you're still supported. So the idea is to create solutions so that women don't have to suffer.

Meghan Houle (36:24.836)

it's crazy. Yeah. yeah.

Meghan Houle (36:34.196)

Yeah. Low.

Julia Haart (36:43.054)

You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable as you go about your day. It's crazy that we have to say this out loud as if it's some brilliant concept that someone came up with. It should be a given, but it's not. And it's time for it to be a given. It is time for women not to be forced in this conundrum of either luxury and beauty or comfort. I want women to have both.

Meghan Houle (36:56.052)

Yeah, yeah.

Meghan Houle (37:10.324)

Yeah. my gosh. Well, I cannot wait and I will just be like rocking it all over Boston, New York, everywhere I go. Can't, can't wait.

Julia Haart (37:16.01)

you're gonna love it. I've got to send you someone who comes out. It's crazy. And then we got swimwear coming, by the way. The next season is swimwear. The first, I don't wanna say the first ever shapewear swimwear because of course there are people who make that claim. However, it's like nothing out there because it literally looks like a bathing suit, feels like a bathing suit, except it's actual shapewear. It's so, you feel, so imagine like, okay, I'm not gonna show all the designs obviously, but imagine like, think of the James Bond movie with Halle Berry.

Meghan Houle (37:23.316)

Okay. Yeah. You're gonna kill it.

Meghan Houle (37:30.708)


Meghan Houle (37:37.62)

And you feel good, yeah.

Meghan Houle (37:45.492)

Mm -hmm. Like, yeah.

Julia Haart (37:45.614)

you know, those booty shorts, but imagine those covering your bottom, so it pops up your butt, hides everything over here, and then you have a little tankini, pops up your breasts, keeps everything. I mean, I think every woman on earth, no matter how thin or fabulous you feel or look, it's just so comfortable, and it makes everybody look better. So I am crazy excited about the swimwear, and I just, I can't, I love it when women send me photos of them in it.

Meghan Houle (37:50.548)


say less.


Julia Haart (38:13.23)

And that, I have like started a collection just because it just gives me so much joy to see women living their life and knowing that I have a tiny little piece in it that I made their day a little less uncomfortable.

Meghan Houle (38:20.02)

Yeah, and feeling so good. Yeah.

Yeah, and also too, I feel like the swimwear, there's like, it's just such a movement itself where people just don't go to the beach or they don't go swimming or you see moms that are like, I'm not putting on a bathing suit because there's so much shame behind it. It's like, no. So I am so freaking excited. thank you for sharing all of that. I can't wait to see it all. But pivoting to a couple of things before I let you go. So let's talk about the show, My Unorthodox Life. For those who have watched it,

Julia Haart (38:38.19)

Yeah. Yeah.

Julia Haart (38:45.07)

Thank you.

Julia Haart (38:50.35)


Meghan Houle (38:53.46)

Amazing. You guys know for those who haven't, get on Netflix as soon as you stop listening to this podcast and after sharing with all your friends. So how has sharing your story in such a public way impacted you, your family, and for anybody looking into the show, what do you want viewers to take away from tuning in?

Julia Haart (38:59.662)

Thank you.

Julia Haart (39:13.006)

Well, I think, you know, it's been very hard as you can imagine, especially with the divorce. It's been really rough and, you know, I've fought so hard for everything I have. No one gave me anything. I mean, I literally started with less than zero, I guess in a way. So to be accused of, you know, sleeping my way. And I met the guy for 45 minutes. You could think I am the hottest person on earth. I'm sorry. There's just no way to make someone fall in love with you to such a degree that they're gonna hire.

Meghan Houle (39:17.044)

Mm -hmm.

Julia Haart (39:42.062)

in 45 minutes. It's just not feasible. So it's been hard, really hard to read these crazy things about myself, to open myself up to all of these bizarre, I mean, just bizarro accusations and all that stuff. Very hard. And you know, not everybody loves me. Let's just put it that way. I ruffle a lot of feathers. I go into industries.

and I turn things upside down and I take power away from people. And that doesn't always make for friends, right? I think, you know, I don't think you can succeed and change anything in life without a whole bunch of enemies. So that's the downside, right? The upside is the second part, and that is what do I want people to take away? Every time I focus on the downside and say to myself, what the F was I thinking?

Meghan Houle (40:23.156)


Meghan Houle (40:28.276)

Mm -hmm.

Julia Haart (40:38.03)

Why did I put myself through this? I remind myself why I did it because I want my story to help other women recognize, realize and activate their own stories, their own lives, their own dreams. And that has happened. I mean, like every time I get really down or like, my God, what, why did I put myself through this?

I read some of the letters and the, you know, DMs and emails that I've received. We, I keep on saying 700 ,000, it's vastly over that now, but that was the last number I remember. We have over 700 ,000 of messages, letters, emails, DMs from women as far away as New Zealand, Rwanda, Lebanon.

all over the world who shared their stories with me. I've had women tell me they chose not to commit suicide because of my show, twice. Two separate women. So every time I wanna kick myself for doing it, I remind myself why and that it's working. People are talking about change. People are making change. I was speaking at a conference a few days ago and a woman came over to me and she just burst out crying, burst out crying.

Meghan Houle (41:49.332)


Julia Haart (42:01.518)

And I got a little used to this because, hey, we are all in it together, you know? And we're just sitting there and we're just hugging. And then she said, my husband beat me for 27 years of my life. And the day I finished your show, I just packed my stuff and walked out the door. That's all it took. That's all it took. And so, yeah, it's been rough, but I did it for a reason. And the reason works. And I'm gonna keep doing it. I'm gonna speak my truth.

Meghan Houle (42:26.58)

Yep. Yep.

Julia Haart (42:30.99)

People are gonna hate me, they're gonna hate me. What am I gonna do about it? I gotta speak my truth, I gotta do what I think is right, I have to fight for what I believe in, and I will.

Meghan Houle (42:37.812)

Yeah. Yeah. How do you do, you know, in the moments where there's a lot of heaviness coming into you, you know, what are some of your rituals? Because we all experience it. I mean, from a very massively public figure, amazing woman like you are to us that deal with it at home or like nasty friends or Aunt Sally, you know, negativity coming in like.

What are some of the boundaries, like your rituals? Like how do you maybe, it doesn't always bounce off us, but to not internalize it and keep moving forward. Yeah, what do you do?

Julia Haart (43:08.75)

You really ask great questions. Damn woman, love it. Go you, Maiden. Seriously, you're so good. Damn, wow. So, okay, this is gonna sound like such a crazy story.

Meghan Houle (43:14.74)

Catch me on the next season. I'm just kidding. I love you.

Julia Haart (43:26.35)

It's funny, no one's asked me in that particular way, so I've never had an opportunity to tell this story. So when I was in Ukraine, and I'm in the front lines, literally in the front lines, in Bakhmut in January, while missiles are raining down on everybody's heads and there's no power, there's no self -service, it was nuts. And I'm sleeping like with officers and, you know, we pull out of a building and the building blows up. I mean, it was very intense. And I was with a guy, a doctor.

And we were talking about trauma. What was going on obviously in my life and in its tiny little measure compared to obviously what was happening in Ukraine at the time. And I told him, well, how do you handle it? Like, what's your... I asked him what you just asked me. Because he, you know, has been to a lot of war -torn countries. He's like a kind of Doctors Without Borders kind of person. And...

He told me, Dr. Joe Dispenza, read his book, it's gonna change your world. And Dr. Joe Dispenza is a doctor who basically has a certain kind of meditation, a certain kind of guided meditation. And it's based on math and science and data. There are peer journals, peer review journals, there are...

statistics, there are many universities involved in these studies. And so because religion to me is to see something that had facts and figures and science to show the power of meditation, the power of manifestation, how to do it, it changed my life because I was so down. I was so down. I really was. I mean,

February of 2022 until January of 2023 were some of the roughest months of my life. And to have fought so hard and succeeded, built a billion dollar business, that's not an easy thing to do. And to have it all take, some newspapers made us co -CEOs. I mean, they literally gifted him my work. I was like living in an upside down world where truth was a lie and lie was truth.

Julia Haart (45:52.718)

I didn't understand what the hell was going on and that none of the stories made sense. I hid my clothing. Guys, watch Netflix, it's all over the place. I hid in what? It didn't even make any logical sense. It was so dumb. And yet people believed it and it killed me. It just, ugh. But I couldn't give up because I just don't have that in me, right? I'm always gonna fight.

And so first I went to a therapist and then I went to a psychiatrist, both incredibly well. I mean, I'm very grateful to them both. They're wonderful people. But in the end, like I had read the same books they had, you know what I mean? I knew what I needed to do. I didn't know how to do it. And meditation taught me that. Meditation taught me that we are in control of our own destiny, that we choose what happens, that hell is what we decide hell is, that

Meghan Houle (46:44.596)

Julia Haart (46:50.126)

You know, in religion, in extremist religion, it's always about you have to have lack so you can ask God. You have to fear God. That's the way to connect to the divine and my religion at least was to fear God and to be lacking so that God can fulfill you and make you whole, right? So it was, why don't, like I was taught, why do humans need food? Why can't we be self -sufficient? Like a flower photosynthesis, you've got...

Meghan Houle (46:57.108)


Julia Haart (47:18.574)

the air, the water, the dirt. No one has to make food. You don't have to create anything, right? It just exists and the world feeds it. Why aren't humans like that? Why can't we work on photosynthesis or whatever? And so that's what I was taught because we need to be lacking so that we can speak to God and ask him for everything. And Dr. Dispenza kind of proves the diametric opposite, which is everything is connected and

Energy is what you make it and you choose misery or happiness. You choose wholeness or lack. And that's how you connect to the divine. That's how you connect to everything. Through joy and love. And I know that sounds doofy and dorky. But I gotta tell you, it works. I feel great. My whole life has changed ever since I realized I'm not in the hands of some... I mean, think of the way that...

Meghan Houle (48:04.052)

Yeah, yeah, good.

Julia Haart (48:14.67)

you know, God is described to us. He's this, you know, like a teenager. He gets angry, he gets offended. Like, that doesn't sound like a God. That's humans. And so I think meditation and manifestation, recognizing that you are enough is such a freeing, beautiful thing. And that helped me tremendously. So I would say that and my kids.

Meghan Houle (48:26.644)


Julia Haart (48:43.79)

Especially Shlomo. Massive shout out to Shlomo. Shlomo sat with me every single day. He was supposed to go to law school. He got a partial ride to an amazing university. Of course, I can't remember the name. In Washington, D .C. it's like a big law school there. Refused to go. I begged him. I was like, dude, I need a lawyer in the family. It's fine. Go, go. He's like, I'm not leaving you. I'm not. And he stayed every single day. He is the COO of all of my companies.

Meghan Houle (48:43.828)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (49:02.26)


Meghan Houle (49:09.204)


Julia Haart (49:12.174)

He has done an extraordinary job and I am so grateful to him and my daughter, Wat Challa, and my daughter, Miriam, all of them. They stood by me, held me, supported me. And then of course my friends, I would say meditation family, friends. That's the answer. You need a group around you.

Meghan Houle (49:28.18)

Yeah, well, and I circle like, yeah, well, I feel that so, I mean, I've been doing a lot more of this inward soul searching, I love manifestations. I'm like so woo woo, like I can't even tell you that we'll have different conversations. I know, well, like finally my husband is getting it. I'm like, yes, I can make things happen. I say I'm out loud, you do it, all the things, whatever. But also like,

Julia Haart (49:41.966)

But it's not woo woo, it's math. I love it.

Julia Haart (49:49.486)

Yeah. Well, no, no, tell him, seriously, no, I mean, I'm really serious. Tell him to go on Dr. Joe Dispenza's website. There's an entire part of it that's just science, mathematics, EEGs, EKGs, brainwaves, the things that you can see what happens to your mind as you meditate. I mean, they hooked up, you know, I mean, these are huge universities that are doing these studies. This is science and math, and it's awesome, and it works.

Meghan Houle (49:53.588)


I will.


Meghan Houle (50:03.028)

all the energy. Yes.

Meghan Houle (50:12.756)


Meghan Houle (50:16.5)

It's amazing. I know I did some energy healing at a retreat also too a couple weeks ago. It's almost like I saw the energy kind of like flowing, closing your eyes. I got up and I saw this. I was kind of like, it's crazy and I know like you'll appreciate this, but I was like, okay, signs. I'm a big person with signs. Like show me a sign. Like birds are like a sign of like.

luck and my, you know, grandmother and whatever. So I was just kind of like, I was in California, laying on this mat, got up and I walked over to a corner because I was like going to do an interview. Julia, a hummingbird out of nowhere came in and was like fluttering in front of me like the entire time, like open the energy field. I have been so blocked for like weeks and just kind of like sitting with a lot of heavy shit. And it's just amazing. You give yourself a moment of peace.

Julia Haart (50:53.518)


Julia Haart (51:02.574)


Julia Haart (51:07.534)


Meghan Houle (51:07.668)

and getting one within yourself. I just love that. I mean, ooh, yeah. Yeah.

Julia Haart (51:11.214)

And I think honestly it's the opposite of Rue because like things like, you know, reading the stars or your astrology or palm reading or tarot cards, all of those things, again, I certainly am not an expert on any of the above. I, for myself,

zero judgment towards anyone else. For myself, that to me is what I would call woo, right? Because it's again, some other destiny controlling you. A star, a god, a this, a that, it's always something else outside of you controlling you. I'm just not down with that. I don't think anybody knows the future because I think you create the future and so there's a bajillion different kind of futures that could be ahead of you. So to me, what I love about it is that it is not woo. It isn't about, you know,

Meghan Houle (51:34.004)

Yeah, yeah.

Right, totally.

Meghan Houle (51:50.356)

Love that.

Julia Haart (51:57.486)

Reading the stars or tarot cards or a religion or any of that. It's literal data. It's just mathematics It's factual and when you start studying it and you realize my god, like this is real it's a game changer because

Meghan Houle (52:05.364)

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Julia Haart (52:14.286)

You can live a, I mean, I know that's gonna sound doofy, but my intention every day is to try and teach myself to live a limitless life. And by that, I don't mean that I can do anything. I want, obviously, the whole energy is about connection, right? So you could only do things that can be good for others. It doesn't work if what you're doing is a separation from others, right? But if I can find a way to...

that every step I take is always with the thought of connection to others and to humanity. I think we can live a limitless life and I'm going to spend every day of my life trying to get there.

Meghan Houle (52:53.14)

love it. And I hope that anyone listening in, you're so freaking inspired. And if you're not, then I don't know what to tell you. But before I let you go, limitless life, like advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, this pivot with purpose community where it's a lot of individuals like struggling with like what's next and changing jobs. Like what lasting advice would you give to anyone listening who's really looking for their own purpose pivot, Julia? Yeah.

Julia Haart (52:54.638)



Julia Haart (53:20.814)

Okay, okay, but again, guys, don't judge me because I know this sounds so dorky and if you don't feel comfortable doing it with a mirror, use an iPad or a computer. Talk to yourself where you can see yourself. And literally sit with yourself and say, okay, what do I actually want? And then spend five hours, spend the weekend, it doesn't make any difference. Sit there and say, okay, do I wanna do this? No, I don't really that. Until you find that thing where the minute you think it, you start feeling excitement.

everything in your body starts like, ooh, even if that is fear that you're feeling. I used to say that my fear drove me because whatever I was afraid of is what I attacked, right? Now I'm trying to eradicate fear altogether. I don't wanna feel fear about anything ever again. Obviously, I'm a work in progress, don't get me wrong. But I guess my advice to every person is you can't get what you want if you don't know what you want.

Meghan Houle (54:09.78)

Mm -hmm.

Julia Haart (54:17.806)

So before you embark on anything, sit down with yourself and figure out what excites you. What gets your juices flowing? What, even if the juices are flowing and it's scaring you shitless, that's okay. That's the thing. And then once you know it, then you gotta figure out how to get there. And how to get there, hate to break it to you guys, it's gonna be hard. It's gonna be one foot in front of the other, but you can definitely get there. I know it. I believe in you.

Meghan Houle (54:44.884)

Thank you. I love that. Well, such a great exercise. And please, everyone do that. And DM us how to go. Well, and speaking of that, what's the best way for everyone to engage with you? And of course, I want to link Plusbody, the show, your book, Brazen. There's so many things. Again, we could spend days together. We will. But what we will. But what's the best way for, what's your favorite platform? What's the best way for people to reach out and message you, especially after listening to this? Yeah.

Julia Haart (54:49.134)

Yeah, I did it this morning.

Julia Haart (54:59.854)

Thank you. We will.

Julia Haart (55:10.254)

Yeah. Aw, I love that. So Instagram for sure. I'm Julia Hart on Instagram. The shapewear brand is Body by Julia Hart on Instagram. It's also Body by Julia Hart .com on the website, even though the company itself is called Plus Body, but it was too complicated with the plus. And my show on Netflix, My Unorthodox Life and my bestseller, Brazen. And yeah, and Megan, you're amazing.

And thank you. You know, I think this is what changes the world. Women inspiring each other. You're incredible. Thank you really, a lot. Thank you.

Meghan Houle (55:43.604)

gosh, like literally just made my life. You're incredible. I'm so honored to be in your sphere universe. If you ever need to come, anyone to come sit with you, I'm right there. I'm right in and done with you now too. So thank you for all that you're doing for women, for freedom, for the Jewish community, for everyone out there. You know, I think that you are such a light and I feel like when you get a lot of haters, that means you made it. So bring it on. Bring it on.

Julia Haart (55:53.486)


Love it.

Julia Haart (56:01.966)

Thank you, Megan.

Julia Haart (56:09.038)

Exactly, I always say I'm as proud of my enemies as I am of my friends, right?

Meghan Houle (56:13.364)

I mean, we love you here at Pivot Purpose and all things Megan Hall. So thank you so much. Yay!

Julia Haart (56:16.27)

Thank you. Thank you, Megan. So great.


Pivot With Purpose Season 6 Episode 11 Hilary Phelps Full Transcript


Pivot With Purpose Season 6 Episode 9 Matt Marcotte Full Transcript