Pivot With Purpose Season 6 Episode 5 Sophie Jones Full Transcript

Meghan Houle (00:04.474)

Sophie, welcome to the Pivotal Purpose Podcast. How are you? My friend, so good to see you. Yes, I know. Yeah, no, I know we've been in each other's universes for a bit and the diligence of staying in touch. You know, when I think timing, divine timing, you know, things that have come up for you since we've last connected, like we all come together at the right times for a reason or need to take a minute for the, for,

Sophie Jones (00:10.478)

Hey girl, hey, I'm so happy to be here. Finally, we get to connect.

Meghan Houle (00:34.33)

reason. So, you know, I know you're just so deeply rooted in such an amazing coaching structure. I can't wait to get into it. And like I was saying before, I feel like I need it, but like not yet, because you would fire me. But no, I'm so excited to have you on the podcast and to share your pivots and wisdom and all of that. So in diving in, I love to start with the here and now. What is going on in your world? Like where are we catching you? What are you up to?

Sophie Jones (00:41.134)

Yeah, totally.



Sophie Jones (00:57.998)


Sophie Jones (01:02.862)

Yeah, I think I'm going through probably, I've done a lot of pivoting. I like tell people I'm on like my 13th life, like not even ninth, you know? But personally and professionally, I've just come out of an 18 month, you know, life just through, I went through a divorce. I moved through three states. I took care of my dying mom and helped her pass. And I let go of my business in that time. I wasn't happy with who I was serving. And then, well,

Meghan Houle (01:03.002)

Tell us all the details.

Sophie Jones (01:31.15)

on most of it, but I learned a valuable lesson in that, which was just because you can doesn't mean you should. And so I'm in this rebuild phase. I'm working with people that I love. You know, I think sometimes we have to be, you know, broken wide open to really get to the truth of what we want and who we are. And so that's where you're catching me just fully in my truth and my power and, you know, rebuilding forward.

Meghan Houle (01:53.402)

Yeah. Well, so in terms of your pivots, where would you say the juiciest pivot has come in for you over the span of your career? Like, what was the real sort of life -changing pivot that stands out?

Sophie Jones (01:58.638)


Sophie Jones (02:12.238)

Well, there's been a bunch, but I'll tell you the first one was I don't know how much, well, we'll just go there, right? Like, why not? So I loved bad boys and I didn't really have a game plan. Thought I was going to get married into the mob. And so I ended up in a fateful events getting trafficked by a boyfriend. Yeah. Running for my life, but wait for the pivot. Coming back.

Meghan Houle (02:13.946)


Sophie Jones (02:38.734)

and I was in my early, early, early twenties and pivoting into like personal development and starting my first real estate business and really showing myself like you are not a label. You are not your past. You are not any of that. And I think having that type of fortitude, you know, 1 % of women make it out of that life. And I don't think the statistics are any, any better for people that.

actually have a good life thereafter. And so I think that's probably, I would say when people hear my story, that's what they want to hear. They're like, what? You're a victim of human trafficking. I've had a lot of pivots. I've built five businesses. I've done a lot of things, you know? But I think that one shows people where they look at me and go, I'm sorry, what did you just say? Right? And showing people like, cause I think we all.

Meghan Houle (03:25.338)


Sophie Jones (03:30.83)

We all kind of shame our pivots. I'm sure you have conversations with people that are like, I just didn't want to. So that's like a big one that I think people go, wow, that's really powerful.

Meghan Houle (03:39.898)

So literally running for your life, what did you do to get out and get away and then get into alignment to hop into this real estate business? What did that look like for you? Yeah, wow, that's a lot. That's a lot. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (03:42.638)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (03:51.342)

Yeah, that was insane. That's insane. Yeah. Life, life was, I always joke kind of real estate shows me I didn't choose it. So I had a, you know, I had a good family and they found out what was going on behind the scenes. And, there was a really abusive episode and I had an old friend call me that just had gotten my phone number that day. And I usually wasn't by myself and.

We had a conversation and they said, hey, you're going to get on the plane ticket that I bought you were down in Las Vegas at the time, or I'm coming down there to get you. And, I just, I can like lay out that story, but the, the reader's digest is I left, you know, and acted like I was going to go to work and drop that car off, at a, at a casino and spent the night in a, you know, the airport and I came home and,

I originally thought I contacted a good friend of mine who's actually one of my best friends today who's done very well. I'm from Utah, so I have a lot of friends in the snowboarding industry. And I was like, my gosh, I'm going to open up an escort business. Like that was, I was always entrepreneurial. You know what I mean? I was like, Janet Davidson, like what's up? You know?

Meghan Houle (04:59.13)

You, Ashley Madison, right? Yeah, I'm stealing selfies next. my God. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Huh?

Sophie Jones (05:08.142)

my God. Yeah. And he knew one of my best friends. So a lot of people had my entire hometown had heard about it, but people thought I was like on drugs and I, and it wasn't that I just, I had so much trauma that I would have done anything to be saved and loved. And I just found the right person who had been doing this for a very long time. And it was like, I got a DUI, I lost my job. Like all of these things kind of synchronicity like lined up for this to be an option.

And then I was sold and groomed into like how glamorous it was. So anyway, I contacted it when I came home, I contacted a friend that I knew that had, you know, a lot of money. And I said, Hey, I have this bad, I have the best idea. I want you to fund it. And I didn't know that he knew like the ins and outs, cause it was still pretty private and I had a lot of shame. And he said to me, Hey, you know what? If I'll consider funding this, but I want you to do, we got to have some reciprocity. And so he had me and he said, give me three months or six months. I forget which one.

And I want you to start reading these books." And it was like, thinking grow rich, rich dad, poor dad. Like, and cause I was, I've always been really hungry. I just needed a different direction to put that into. And by the end of like, whatever it was, I obviously didn't want to do that anymore. And he was like, Hey, you know, real estate or insurance, you know, you're not capped. And I ended up going into real estate and getting my first business coach at 23. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (06:32.634)

Wow. Holy cow. And two, I think at such, and let's face it, like 23 is young. And 23 now is like really young, circa 2024. I mean, I remember the things that we are doing in our early 20s and how much responsibility we have. And I mean, I think there's so many things that we could go into a spiral of maybe what is.

Sophie Jones (06:39.406)



Sophie Jones (06:52.59)


Meghan Houle (06:58.042)

stunting some people's emotional growth or all the things because there's just so much social media and just a lot of things were being fed that we weren't fed. Growing up in the 90s, you weren't always connected, you weren't always on. If you weren't on a three -way call with your friends, you weren't talking to anybody.

Sophie Jones (07:01.134)


Sophie Jones (07:05.742)


Mm. Mm -mm.


Sophie Jones (07:18.422)

are going to the mall, you know what I mean?

Meghan Houle (07:21.754)

Right? Or you're not like, yo, dad, give me a ride on Friday nights. Like drop me up at the, you know, the movieplex and honestly, do you remember those days? Like, and like, how did we all not get kicked out of the theaters? Cause like you go to the theaters, but it's like really a social thing. no one's watching TV, right? Dances. yeah.

Sophie Jones (07:28.11)

Yeah, my god. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (07:36.778)

my gosh, go see with the cute boys. Hold hands in the theater, yeah. we would go to the roller skating rink called the classics, yeah, no.

Meghan Houle (07:47.002)

Yeah, and now here we are. And I just equated to the fact that you seem very young, same with me, that you had this acute sense at some point where it was a flip of a self -awareness moment, that you're like, no one's coming to save me but me. Truly, right? So good for you. And at 23, so you pivoted into real estate. Did you stay in Utah? Where were you kind of?

Sophie Jones (08:03.742)

I've had a lot of those. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (08:12.653)


Meghan Houle (08:16.378)

settling your roots in this kind of first business, yeah.

Sophie Jones (08:16.526)


Yeah, settling my roots, that's still a challenge.

Meghan Houle (08:22.106)

Mm -hmm. I know we're never rooted. You and I were just like, biophiers. Yes. Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (08:25.518)

Like what? What is that? Yeah. so no, so I was, I was in Utah and had a business coach and I, again, just the universe. So I, I was, or God or however you look at it. So I was in this one brokerage, but there was a different brokerage and it was before they became century 21 Everest and the owner of that brokerage. there's like this coaching lineage and they followed this lineage and it's called Mike Ferry, blah, blah, blah. But it taught you, we had to be in the office. We had to do.

affirmations, scripts, role play, and be on the phones at 8 a Well, for me, it was so good because I had so much trauma. I didn't want to go to your birthday party. Like, I hated that. I'm from Utah. I wasn't Mormon. Imagine what I'm coming from. I'm like, you don't want to hear what I've been up to. So it gave me this vehicle that if I mastered this skill set, I would be unshakable and unstoppable. And so.

And so I had a business coach, but I also was mentored and George Morris ended up being the number one century 21 owner in the world. And so just, and he just was like, Hey, there's something different about you. There's something special. And I've always kind of had that, you know what I mean? And so, I ended up meeting my first husband in Thailand and decided that I was going to, jet after like 18 months of real estate in Utah, started that business over again in North Carolina. But by that time I'd had those skills. I always had coaches.

And, you know, just picked up the phone, started calling for cell phone owners and expireds and people were like, Whoa, like I've never seen anything like you, but I really think like I tell people all the time, you cannot overachieve your trauma. And those seasons I was really in, it was just like, don't see me. I'm 10 foot tall and bulletproof. Don't look too long. Look what I can do. And I didn't really understand like how to build relationships. I talk a lot about that with clients today. It's like.

I have a lot of people with inflated egos that don't know how to connect, you know, so it's like, look who I am. And it's like, yeah, but deep down, you know, you want some type of connection and, and your success is, is almost keeping you from that. So.

Meghan Houle (10:29.154)

Hmm. so interesting you say that. I actually was thinking about, just because I've been in some spirals lately, God bless, of just early on at Megan and very much to, you know, dealing with trauma, dealing with abusive relationships, dealing with very low self -worth, dealing with people please saying, you know, how much I've...

Sophie Jones (10:48.11)


Meghan Houle (10:54.074)

even grown in the past five years, Sophie. And I think me thrusting myself into coaching programs and accreditation and finally subscribing to like, a coach, I can have somebody that can help me get there without shame, without judgment and get out of my own way. But prior, you're right, I put on that work mask and I like, I work for this prestigious LV Meech brand and you can.

Sophie Jones (10:56.078)


Sophie Jones (11:09.102)


Sophie Jones (11:15.854)


Meghan Houle (11:20.026)

superficially and surface level have conversations with clients, all I knew was like work mode, right? You just go into like work mode, you put on the mask. And I mean, I don't even know how I met my husband, like a good, good for him that he like came up to me like, thank God, because I didn't, you know, there was no Tinder, there was no dating apps, there's no whatever. So you were going out with friends, and I kind of had like a terrible friends group of ups and downs where I'm like, wow, like I never really went out and had like,

Sophie Jones (11:24.654)

Totally. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (11:37.55)


Meghan Houle (11:49.21)

meaningful connections or conversations with people and like then even knew how to do that afterwards when I sort of got out of the party mode and sure you can like go out every night and like hang out and be so fun and like get wild but that's not a meaningful connection either. I was like wow when did I start having real conversations? Crazy even in my life as recruiting like I turn it on mode like I can talk to you about jobs until I go to sleep at night but like when you flip it.

Sophie Jones (11:50.574)


Sophie Jones (11:56.526)


Sophie Jones (12:07.662)


Sophie Jones (12:15.822)


Meghan Houle (12:16.058)

to like really go deep. I mean, it wasn't until I started investing into like bigger coaches, bigger masterminds, getting into different rooms. I'm like, wow, there are people that want to talk about really great things that I can connect with on a different level that also want to support you and aren't just trying to sabotage all the things that you're doing. Because I'm sure you've worked with individuals that absolutely have not wanted the best for you and have turned you down. So like, how have you navigated?

Sophie Jones (12:21.742)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (12:28.142)


Sophie Jones (12:32.589)

my gosh.

Sophie Jones (12:36.526)

So yeah.

Meghan Houle (12:42.714)

some of those like work cultures over the years that honestly is, you know, you're so confident and you're so amazing. Like you have so much wisdom to share. I love following you on social media, but I know that's taken a journey to get there. So like, have you navigated those like negative people, like stepping away from an incredibly traumatizing situation and like finding that voice?

Sophie Jones (12:55.374)


Sophie Jones (13:00.75)


Yeah. So, so we'll just continue with that lineage. I love what you said because like, I literally, I joke that like, I, if we weren't talking about, if there wasn't a point to the conversation, I was like, somebody put a hot poker in my, what are you doing talking to me? Like, I just was like, I want to crawl. I mean, I can still get there. You know what I mean? We're just like, but I can also really connect and there's a difference, but.

Meghan Houle (13:07.45)


Meghan Houle (13:25.626)

Yeah. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (13:31.694)

So I came from North Carolina. We left, my ex -husband was in the military. And so we came down here, it was out in rural Texas. And I was just party, party, party, party, party, party, party, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink. And my mom was in recovery. I'd grown up in the rooms. I definitely always drank differently, but so did my friends. You know what I mean? So it was like, and so.

I'm getting to the answer of your story. I moved to the, I left him, I moved to the city, so I've been divorced twice. And, and my life, it was like, you know, lights, camera action was all I ever wanted and more, you know, it was in, it was in Houston, it was bad and bougie happy hours. It was all that I wanted. And what was happening behind the scenes was just a complete and utter, like, you know, kind of what you're saying. It's like, where do I find connection?

I was just breaking down. It was like, I didn't know how to connect. I didn't know. I had had so much upheaval and I just was spinning and spiraling. And so I chose to get sober when I was 32 in October. So it's almost been six years now. And that is when, that is when I went, like this is a joke, but it was like, if you want to know how to date, like somebody,

Meghan Houle (14:40.826)

Wow, yeah. Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (14:50.126)

that's an organized crime or a really big boss, like a big shark in the water. If you want to make money, like I had all these, if you want to look pretty and if you want it, like I had all of these skill sets, but like normal people skill sets, like what people were doing out in the burbs. Like if we opened up that library, I had like one post it like flapping in the wind. You know what I mean? It was like, I just felt so uncomfortable around.

Meghan Houle (15:10.234)

It's a different life that you were living before. yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sophie Jones (15:13.582)

Totally. Well, and I just didn't even the bad boy before and before and my mom was a model. My dad's a criminal attorney. Like I was just raised with, you know, it was a different thing. And so when I started right when I found or right when I got sober, I found breath work. And I remember I did the first session. It was seven minutes. It was prerecorded. And I literally always had anxiety. I literally was always on the go. I felt like the boogeyman was going to come. You know, people talk about like the waiting for the shoe to drop or whatever, but it's like,

Meghan Houle (15:20.314)


Meghan Houle (15:42.586)


Sophie Jones (15:43.31)

that like catastrophizing like was very real. And I remember I sat up and I was sobbing and I was like, I'm gonna be okay. And it was the first time I'd ever felt that. And it was that I had connected with myself. And it was just wild because really I never, when people didn't want, weren't for me before, I was like, get fucked. You know what I mean? Like, I don't care. Like, but then all of a sudden,

Meghan Houle (16:07.898)

Yeah. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (16:11.886)

You know, I opened up, I got sober. I kind of swung way over to the other side of that pendulum. And I got married again, moved to Montana, like a different life. And, and I've kind of come back to the center, but I would tell you learning to connect first just came with being willing to slow down and connect with myself. You know, you cannot outrun your tsunami of pain. The farther you get away from your, your wave, the bigger it gets.

Meghan Houle (16:34.65)


Sophie Jones (16:41.614)

And I see so many of my clients that come to me that seemingly have it together. And if you just looked just a little bit longer, you know, like I made a post where it's like, they're just waiting for somebody maybe like me that can sense that that comes up to them in Starbucks and is like, Hey, are you okay? Yeah. You know,

Meghan Houle (16:58.554)

Right, like, are you OK, truly? Mm -hmm. Yeah. And know whoever asked us that. Because at times, we're living machines, and then for the service of others, not really going deep on ourselves and what we need, just going 100 miles an hour burning the candle at both ends. Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (17:03.886)


Sophie Jones (17:10.51)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (17:16.206)

Yeah. And then if you have all that stuff, like you were saying before, like people pleasing and I mean, I still have stuff, but it's, you know, I tell people the, you know, how you, the, the level in which you can be honest with yourself and, and look at that stuff is the level in which you will get change and probably rather quickly. It's like our stories and people pleasing that stuff served us. I can be super people, please eat. You know what I mean?

Meghan Houle (17:22.458)


Meghan Houle (17:39.322)

Yes. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (17:41.358)

Because it's like, well, don't leave me. Don't abandon me. Don't think something bad of me if I set a boundary. It's like super normal, you know?

Meghan Houle (17:46.618)

Right. Yeah. Yeah. Where was the pivot then, you know, as you were continuing, you know, your career and then of course, like building this amazing coaching program, which we all go into, was there a pivot after you escaped all the craziness, real estate, whatever that went wrong that you kind of also, you know, within your 13 lives that you live? Same. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Say it.

Sophie Jones (17:54.926)


Sophie Jones (18:03.182)


Sophie Jones (18:08.622)

You know what, I really, I wouldn't say it's a career pivot, but I think women need to hear it. Life partners. You know, we, I like see you and Mike and I'm like, they seem happy. Like, you know what I mean? They seem like they have a good, I mean, I'm sure there's stuff, but, but you know, I, my second husband I met when I was 30 seconds sober and he was just a glorified version of my first one. And the, the pivots that have not gone well were the ones where.

Meghan Houle (18:16.538)


Sophie Jones (18:37.55)

I needed someone to save me or take care of me or love me because now I see that that cost me that five, five and a half year, you know, situation. It's set. I mean, whatever I can say, it set me back or a din and I don't care what people, my viewpoint on it is had I healed that stuff sooner, I wouldn't have made that choice. And I probably would have stayed in Houston and been in a different place, but life happens the way it's supposed to. And so I think people.

Choosing partners, staying with partners, that's stuff I see a lot of where I'm like, hey, babe, you are scared of your own power. And if you just did some deeper healing and could stand on your own a little bit more because what it's costing you to stay and be unhappy is far more than what you think.

Meghan Houle (19:31.13)

And I mean, I know you've experienced it me too. It's like being in a terrible relationship. Good Lord. I couldn't even imagine and yes, like I feel like we have our highs and lows like any relationship me and my husband but at the end of the day what I appreciate a couple things one We are complete opposites In terms of like preferences, I'm also like how do we even get together? No, I'm just kidding. I

Sophie Jones (19:36.59)

Good God.

Sophie Jones (19:52.686)


Meghan Houle (19:58.586)

But you can't marry yourself. It would be a firework of an explosion every day because I'm a highly emotional one with a family drama. And he's like, I'm not worried about it, which also makes me low key want to choke him on days. I'm like, must be nice, Mike, to not be worried about anything. I'm just like,

Sophie Jones (20:02.03)


Sophie Jones (20:08.046)


Sophie Jones (20:13.998)

I'm sorry.

Yeah, great secure attachment. Never mind.

Meghan Houle (20:23.674)

But he also, you know, he has a hard time talking about emotions. We won't get into it. But, you know, I think like, for me, remembering the days I was in those like really bad relationships where you weren't focused on like being your best self every day. You know, you were just in survival mode and, you know, going through the motions, trying not to make the other person mad and getting into fights again. Like, it's just like high and low of like this emotional energy. And I, I think for a long time it...

Sophie Jones (20:32.782)


Sophie Jones (20:36.654)

Mm -mm.


Sophie Jones (20:48.206)


Meghan Houle (20:52.346)

really hurt me in getting into other relationships because I didn't know how to operate other than operating in bad, in like a bad situation. So crazy. Like I remember leaving an ex -boyfriend house after she hit on me like 7 ,000 times and I would just blast like Justin Timberlake what goes around comes around in my like Toyota Matrix. It's like...

Sophie Jones (20:55.182)


Sophie Jones (21:00.59)


Meghan Houle (21:17.626)

You know, like that was my like hate jam and Beyonce's irreplaceable. Like how timely was that sound like to the left, to the left. But I always went to the right again, you know, I'm like, girl, like, right. But I am like, I think that should land. I mean, we have a lot of listeners that are up and coming in their careers or I mean, for anyone in, you know, a bad relationship, it's like sometimes you don't see it. And and then a lot of times two people hide it.

Sophie Jones (21:18.638)

Yeah. Yeah.

Your ear up high as well. Yeah, here we are.

Sophie Jones (21:35.918)


Meghan Houle (21:45.498)

when things go bad because they wanted to be outside looking in like, it's great. Like everything's like perfect. And it's like, you're not living in your truth. So that's a great point to me because I don't think we can collectively pivot within ourselves, like just even feeling authentic in our bodies if we are around individuals, people, relationships that are just so negative that really aren't allowing us to show up who we need to be.

Sophie Jones (21:45.71)

Sophie Jones (21:54.926)


Sophie Jones (22:10.638)

Amen. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (22:12.57)

you know, or having a voice truly, you know, so. Well, so what brought you to like what you're doing today in terms of like coaching and, you know, working with individuals like talk to us about that shift. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (22:15.246)


Sophie Jones (22:22.798)


Sophie Jones (22:28.718)

That pivot. Yeah. So I got sober and I was just fried on real estate. I had done it four times. So I was living in the country, then I came to the city, started again. And some of that coaching lineage, I joke, like shamed me into success. It was like harder, better, faster, stronger, you know? Love that thumbs up. And so I just, I found breath work and people,

all throughout my real estate journey had always asked me to coach and mentor them. And I would a little bit, but honestly, I was running at full octane and I just had me, my assistant, like I didn't have time. You know, it was like, I had to look good, bougie happy hours, then typically the gay bar, then the after hours, then the gym in the morning. Like, what was I going to teach you? You know what I mean? Like that wasn't always, but, and so.

Meghan Houle (23:19.418)


Sophie Jones (23:22.19)

had mentored people and I knew that I would be excellent at it. I'd been paying for mentorship for like 12 years. And like I had just walked through enough. I know about, you know, lead generation and sales and communication. And now I know about your nervous system. And so in 2020, it just so happened like right before the whole world shut down, I launched my business and I didn't know I was building an online brand. And I just said, Hey, I'm, you know, I moved to Montana and I just was like, I'm

Meghan Houle (23:28.794)


Sophie Jones (23:51.182)

going to be doing business coaching and breathwork facilitation and all my business coaches or all my business clients will be doing breathwork with me. And people just showed up. People had watched me do all the real estate stuff, had watched me be really authentic about my story, had watched me share about sobriety. You know, I think people really, you don't realize, like so many people come to me because they're like, I need to tell you some things. And I can't really like my life, like I, and I don't.

Meghan Houle (23:59.386)


Meghan Houle (24:14.938)


Sophie Jones (24:19.438)

really want to go to therapy and work on this for the next couple of years, I want to make more money. But like, we've got a shit storm in this area, whatever it is, right? And it's like, cool, thank you so much for getting honest. Honesty is the first step to really, you know, making a change. And so, and having someone that can really hold you in stuff without judgment, I think really successful people.

They judge themselves, they judge others, and they're deathly afraid of being judged themselves, especially for their trauma, for their patterns, for the things that they're not proud of. You know, it's like, where do you unpack that stuff?

Meghan Houle (24:49.562)


Meghan Houle (24:58.01)

Yeah. Wow. I mean, for you, well, first of all, I would love to go back to real estate because I go down a spiral when I need to like shut my brain off of watching on the Netflix, like selling Sunset and buying Beverly Hills. Is it that crazy? Like, truly? I think you were not in like a Rodeo market, but real estate, it just seems like, I mean, when you get it, you get it, but that's a very tough industry, but it sounds like you...

Sophie Jones (25:10.254)

Yeah, totally.

Sophie Jones (25:19.438)


Meghan Houle (25:26.618)

also got so many learnings and takeaways from that. Yeah. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (25:29.518)

So if I was to do it again, because Houston does have that market, I would do that differently. So now I have this great self -worth. And so I would be showing up in places and networking with the best of them, you know, and getting those different listings. But because I had the skillset to lead Jen, you know, it was like, I didn't, you know, I didn't care. So is it that crazy? I would say that there's probably a pool here in Houston where you're like, okay, babe, you know, you're not.

Meghan Houle (25:33.53)

Yeah. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (25:41.562)


Mm -hmm.



Meghan Houle (25:56.57)

You can always find them, right? Right? Right, you're like, everyone calm down. But like, yeah, I mean, but then from skills like that, I mean, what you teach when you business coach, so it's really business coaching, are people coming to you saying like, Sophie, like I'm struggling with like client sales or personal branding, putting myself out there, like what would you say are some of the top?

Sophie Jones (25:57.646)

Yeah, you're like, you're not a celebrity. You're just selling a 10 ,000 square foot house.

Meghan Houle (26:22.394)

things that people are coming to you constantly with, that they've been struggling with, that you really help solve for them or work with them to solve. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (26:27.406)

Yeah, so the biggest thing I think is people come to me with that are, they're usually my parents age, really, so they're older than me and they're coming out of one industry into another. They're building their own company at this point in time. So it's like, what is the team? What is the skillset? Where do I need to be going? They usually have, you know, they've experienced success or they're going into a new role. So a lot of people, so that is what I help people with. It's like, okay, what are your skills?

Meghan Houle (26:34.81)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (26:56.622)

What is your leadership? Where is the gap? Here's how we're going to make money. But every single one, every single one of my clients has something going on in the shadows, whether they're messing around on their husband or they don't have good self -worth. Like I have a lot of very highly paid salespeople that come to me and they're like, I just want to make more money. And I think you're the person. And I'm like, that's so interesting because yeah, my content talks to that, but it doesn't necessarily talk to that. I mean, I made a reel about that today.

Meghan Houle (27:09.882)


Meghan Houle (27:18.33)


Sophie Jones (27:26.606)

But I think what they're really drawn to is like, how can you help me connect with others? How can you how can I be more authentic? How can I get out of you know, I have this course, it's like step out of survival for the successful person. It's like, a lot of people get to the top and think, is this all there is? Right? And this is this is where we see like midlife crisis when it's really like, hey, I built everything. I'm not happy.

Meghan Houle (27:26.618)


Meghan Houle (27:46.778)


Sophie Jones (27:50.478)

You know, and it's like, and I want to continue to be successful. I want to continue to be a like high performer, but I've kind of lost my lust for where I'm at. And so that's a lot more personal like discovery. That's breath work. That's healing. And then again, we go back to where what's your skills, what's your vision? What are you passionate about? Let's create the game plan and go execute.

Meghan Houle (27:50.65)


Meghan Houle (28:10.65)

Yeah. Well, because I think there's probably some good synergy and individuals that come to me very much at that level, but kind of in that mid -tier, like mid -manager level where they know they still have a lot of life left in them. But I just feel like we struggle so much with clarity, right? Like so many people come to me and they're like, I don't want to know what I want to do next. I'm like, you do. But there's a framework, I think, where you need to really sit down and get clear.

Sophie Jones (28:27.95)

Sophie Jones (28:33.934)


Meghan Houle (28:38.33)

on what you're good at, what you want to be doing, what you don't want to be doing, that whole formula. But would you say that that's something too that you work a lot with in terms of helping people find that clarity of the jobs that are going to make sense or the business partnerships? How do you, in your expert way, talk people through finding clarity? Because I just feel like it's such a heavy topic of us not knowing what we want to do. And you're like, yeah. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (29:02.958)

Yeah. So I think that like, I think it's deeper than that. So I think people that say they're not clear, I don't want to say it like this, but this is what's coming through is that they're just not afraid. They're afraid to get honest because they don't think that they can have it. You know? And so it's like, okay, you know, like, Hey, if, if you could have it, or if no one was going to be upset with you, or if.

Meghan Houle (29:14.49)

Yeah, right to say it. True. Yeah. Wow.

Sophie Jones (29:30.478)

whatever comment, you know what I mean? Cause we just have so much programming going on. And the reality is if we can break free of the program, that that's why breath work is like with everyone, because it's like, if we can break free of your subconscious programming and patterning, then you can find the clarity. Like clarity is really not that hard. It's just, you're like, you know, especially if you're in the corporate America world.

You were exposed to so many people. You went to college. It's like, you got layers to like, I don't know. And I'm like, that's not true. Right?

Meghan Houle (30:03.866)

Right. Because you're almost more spoon fed. This is your next succession, like from a corporate company versus like someone sitting down and saying, like, what do you want to do? You know, I feel like sometimes it's just not a choice. But there's this incredible rise of entrepreneurship. You know, we've obviously seen it before the pandemic, coming out of the pandemic, where I think people really want to take control of their own destinies. I guess this journey of entrepreneurship for you in creating this business, like,

Sophie Jones (30:07.758)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (30:16.142)


Sophie Jones (30:22.606)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (30:26.926)


Meghan Houle (30:32.25)

What have you learned the most about yourself and like what are you really proud of in like bringing this together? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (30:35.47)


hold on really quickly. I want to go back to that too, because I think about like the corporate person. I really, really think when I think about my corporate clients, it's almost like they're color coded. It's like, you're going to be orange, you're going to be red, you're going to be pink, you know. And I think that those type people, especially if they were to come into my world, they're hungry. You know, I don't attract people that are like, you know, they might have some. So it's like really.

Meghan Houle (30:49.658)


Sophie Jones (31:04.59)

really working on confidence and your target network. It's like, okay, babe, you need to get a power suit. You need to cry it out. We need to figure out the stories and then you need to find the top 10 and your ass needs to get in front of them. You know what I mean? It's like, if you want to climb that ladder and you are hungry, you're like, I want to go from a yellow to a blue. It's like, okay, that's going to take a lot of effort. You know what I mean? And you need to be doing a lot of behind the scenes. I don't think people realize, and maybe I'm going to ask you this.

Meghan Houle (31:20.01)

huh. huh.

Meghan Houle (31:28.698)


Meghan Houle (31:34.362)


Sophie Jones (31:34.574)

When somebody wants to jump from let's say like a mid level to a C -suite, but maybe not a C -suite, but you know, they want to have a really nice pay increase and have a different title. What do you tell those people?

Meghan Houle (31:49.786)

Yeah, I mean, there's not lateral moves within that. I mean, that's obviously a huge jump, sometimes a huge skills gap in like a leadership, right? Like somebody who is going from leading nobody to like saying like, I want to lead a team of 10. You're like, you're not going to be set up for success. No way. And I think like that's the biggest thing is I'm working on some projects right now.

Sophie Jones (31:54.094)


Sophie Jones (32:00.622)

Mm, totally. Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (32:10.638)


Meghan Houle (32:15.77)

where it's this executive director level with directors underneath and been interviewing candidates. And if you aren't presenting that confidence to be able to manage, because at certain levels, it's not your show. You want the people beneath you to be performing or even smarter than you that you're going to have to manage. And I think a lot of individuals like,

Sophie Jones (32:25.485)


Sophie Jones (32:33.55)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (32:41.722)

don't know how to have difficult conversations, maybe aren't confident in their managerial abilities to be able to develop people. And then you have this hierarchy of like, well, that person's my boss, but they don't really, but we're kind of in an equal. So I think you really have to have that gravitas, that's what I call it, to be able to kind of jump up. And then listen, sometimes executive roles, you're not managing people, but there's.

Sophie Jones (32:43.918)


Meghan Houle (33:09.242)

always like some type of a skills learning or a gap of something you are missing, that then you just have to be fearless and say, okay, I don't have this, but I can get here. And this is how I'm going to do it. But it's actualization, self -awareness, and then get ready to like work your A -double -S off because to operate at that level when it's almost this like imposter syndrome moment, seriously, that you're like, can I do this job?

Sophie Jones (33:12.526)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (33:26.734)


Meghan Houle (33:35.066)

then you got to put your feet to the flame and you got to get it done, whatever it takes, you know, to show up and like, yeah.

Sophie Jones (33:39.47)

There's a book that I, that's so good about this. I loved it. And he quotes, he owns like the biggest venture capitalists, but he quotes rappers in the book, 90s rappers. And I'm like, my dog. And he's just like, but I'm going to look it up and then I'm going to send it to you. I think, so what I hear you saying is for that person is it's like, well, we have, we need to, you have a skills gap and you can only develop those skills so much on your own.

Meghan Houle (33:43.482)


Meghan Houle (33:53.082)

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (34:09.294)

then you're going to develop those skills with other people, but then back to who can you intentionally find that you can get in front of with that confidence and say, I would like you to help me develop this. I mean, I think people that climb that really make it, they're not just working their ass off. They're intentional. They just are doing it very, they're not doing it with a lot of self -awareness. It's like, that person, I can do this. you know what I mean? And so I think for people that are hungry for that, it's like,

You gotta look at your gaps, you gotta get honest, and then get around people that can help you.

Meghan Houle (34:43.482)

Yes, and know you're not going to be an expert in everything. And I just feel like that's where so many people get stuck too. And even stuck in a frozen moment of not going to move forward to a higher promotion or whatnot because they're like, well, I don't know that. And I'm not ready to jump in or learn. I'm like, yes, you are. But you have to be so committed to knowing that you have something to offer an organization or wherever you are.

Sophie Jones (35:01.838)


Meghan Houle (35:09.978)

And I just feel like speaking up and saying like, hey, I don't have this, but who can help me? I think there's also shame in that. They're like, you need help. I don't know. I mean, some companies are definitely a lot better at succession planning than others. But yeah, use your voice and then surround, get in proximity of people that you want to be. Right? Yeah. And then get a coach. Yes. Yes.

Sophie Jones (35:14.542)

Yeah. Mm.

Sophie Jones (35:26.574)


Sophie Jones (35:32.43)

Yeah. And then you'd hire someone like me. That's like, these are all the stories that are going on. This is why I feel like a failure. This is, you know, and get somebody that can, the best thing I think that coaching has done in mentorship is they have held me to a higher standard. Cause it's like, yeah.

Meghan Houle (35:40.058)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (35:45.066)

Yeah, 100%. Yeah, and I feel like for me, I've learned how to engage better, ask better questions, see people differently, be a bit more vulnerable, accepting, I don't know, there's so many beautiful humans out there. I think we're so quick to judge everyone, slap things on people, assume, blah, blah, blah.

Sophie Jones (35:55.79)



Sophie Jones (36:05.742)


Sophie Jones (36:09.23)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (36:12.89)

And you're like, wow, that's like a really beautiful human. I mean, I didn't even know that story of all that you've been through early on. I mean, I just feel like the human connection is so powerful if you're willing to connect with people. Yeah. So how can people work with you? Tell me sort of the tiers. Because I know you're so great on social, and you have all these awesome programs that you pop up. And I just think a lot of different like.

Sophie Jones (36:18.062)


Mm. Amen.

Sophie Jones (36:30.83)


Sophie Jones (36:36.398)


Meghan Houle (36:39.962)

tools in your toolbox that you're sharing so generously with individuals that you put together where they can come and get micro learnings or work with you like long term. So how does that work? Yeah.

Sophie Jones (36:43.566)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (36:47.694)


So if you want to dip your toe in, let's say you're like, what is ThreatWork and who is this Sophie lady? I have the step out of survival method. It's prerecorded. It is for successful high achieving people because successful, like survival mode looks different for the successful person because it's helped you achieve. And that is why that's like your, your people pleasing. That is why it's really hard to get out of it. And so that's a course that I also.

Meghan Houle (36:52.634)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (37:17.294)

care, breath work with, and I'm like a quick and dirty girl. So all the recordings are between four and 40 minutes and the breath work is three to 30 minutes. It's $97. That's the place to start. And then you can come work with me privately. You can find me over on Instagram. That's an application process. They're all customizable. You know, sometimes people want to drop in and say, Hey, can I do two weeks with you via telegram or we go up to three months. And then the next thing that I have is launching at the

Meghan Houle (37:28.986)


Sophie Jones (37:46.542)

end of June and it is my mastermind. It's called Becoming. And so it's one call on breath work. It's one coaching call. And then it's one leadership call. But the leadership is more around your subconscious, your patterning, how I can optimize you from the inside out by educating you on like, what is your attachment style with your clients? What is your attachment? You know what I mean? Like with money, what is...

Meghan Houle (37:49.754)


Sophie Jones (38:09.422)

What are your beliefs and how can we identify the beliefs that are running behind the scenes that are causing you not to show up in your power? So that's three calls per month. It's an application process and I'm super excited. So those are the ways you can come in and really work with me.

Meghan Houle (38:22.042)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (38:26.426)

Who is your ideal client, would you say?

Sophie Jones (38:28.75)

Yeah, love this. So my ideal client is somebody that is a high achiever, CEO, executive, or somebody that's climbed the corporate ladder and never ever dealt with their trauma. So those people, it's like they've tried to overachieve their trauma. They're typically doing things that they're not proud of, or they're giving their power away. They're exhausted. They feel like, what's the point? I did everything right. I went to the school. I launched the business. I married the person.

Meghan Houle (38:41.658)

So good, wow, I mean, yeah.

Sophie Jones (38:58.062)

and I'm so unhappy and I don't know who to talk to about that. And I still want to continue to make a lot of money. When those people come into my world, we create magic because I teach them how to reconnect with themselves, come home to themselves, discover who they are authentically, and then in turn, they're better leaders. They ask better questions. You know what I mean? They become their world opens up. They have a panoramic view versus a tunnel view. And that really takes them to a new echelon of not just making money, but just genuine fulfillment and life.

Meghan Houle (39:28.282)

What are some of the beautiful transformations that you've seen from some of your clients that you're like so proud of? Yeah. Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (39:31.054)


Yeah. Okay. One comes to mind. She owns a textile business and she, you know, if you've gone to any of the very high end hotels, it's usually her fabrics on, you know, the walls or couches. And she came to me and it was so interesting. She was like, I want to launch this rug, e -commerce rug business. She's like, I want to, I want to, you know, and the more I get to know her, she was, she's, her kids are about to be out of the house and she, her home had flooded in Hurricane Harvey.

Meghan Houle (39:43.866)

wow, awesome.

Sophie Jones (40:03.502)

And remember her whole life is about beauty. It's all about conceptual and it really, it pulled away some safety for her. And the more that we got around each other and she was making about 250 ,000 a year. we started to discover like, she just was looping terrified that something bad was going to happen again. And so it was taking her focus away from her main business. It was kind of like, I need to build something else just in case. And so when you have the awareness around like,

Meghan Houle (40:23.194)


Sophie Jones (40:31.598)

why are you wanting to do that? Right. And helping her nervous system regulate. We worked through a lot of things with her marriage, things that were going on that she just was sweeping under the rug. And her business went to 1 .2 million. So that is amazing in two years, but she today can walk in a room and really own that, like own her presence, own who she is. She's not shining shit on. She's.

Meghan Houle (40:41.53)

Mm -hmm.


Wow, wow, wow.

Sophie Jones (41:00.174)

just someone that's extremely magnetic. And before when I met her, it was like, I wanna do this and I wanna do this and I wanna do this. And so when I see clients that like really grow and develop into who they are and they're in their 50s, I just am like.

Meghan Houle (41:14.53)

Wow. And I think, well, for you too, I mean, you seem like you have been so successful too, attracting some of those amazing individuals that you want to work with. Like, what do you feel like has been your secret?

Sophie Jones (41:15.246)


Sophie Jones (41:27.534)


Meghan Houle (41:31.93)

to success, maybe dropping some of those like sales genlies, no, just kidding. But like, you know, there's a lot of people that listen in that own businesses or photographers or whatever. And you always want to trust find that ideal client and great that you have an application form because I just feel like we're not for everybody. And I'm sure you do consultations and like maybe it's not the right match chemistry, whatever. But to put yourself out there and to be successful in a world where we don't have certain two jobs, nothing for us is guaranteed, right?

Sophie Jones (41:38.766)


Sophie Jones (41:46.094)

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (41:58.83)

Nothing is certain, yeah. Mm.

Meghan Houle (42:01.37)

So how have you been successful showing up like in your business online where you really felt like, you know, you've hit that stride of like, wow, I'm getting people that I really want to work with. What are some of those secrets to success? Yeah.

Sophie Jones (42:14.99)

Yeah, the first one is I've just owned my truth. You know, I think people that want to work with you will be gravitated towards who you are. And if you are putting on a mask, if you're trying to be everything for everyone, someone like me and people that are usually like, you know, on that kind of more high achieving, you know, driven level, they will smell that from a mile away, you know? And so be who the fuck you are and then have goals like,

Meghan Houle (42:17.658)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (42:45.166)

have very real defined goals and don't be afraid to work your ass off. You know, like I think what people don't realize or what I've seen, you know, it's like, I don't, it's not always going to be a work life balance, you know, and no. And if you are, you know, like I think about sales, right? Like in all the times and sales conversations, learn to ask really good questions.

learn to be an excellent listener. Body language, people around me, I watch them take a big deep breath. Like I just have that presence. People are like, hi. So if you are not in your body, if you're running into the, even before this call, right? You were like, hey, I'm coming from here, there, whatever. And I said, you know what? Let's just take a minute. But yeah.

Meghan Houle (43:34.586)

You're like, I just did 20 million things. Like, take a breath, girl. I'm like, thank you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sophie Jones (43:39.95)

Yeah, but that I know that seems so small, but if you know who you are, you have clear defined goals and a vision for what you want and you are willing to work your ass off, ask good questions and be really aware of how you make others around you feel. Like if I want to work with somebody, if somebody, you know, I, I brush shoulders and I'm being much more intentional and in going to networking groups and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But it's like, I want people to always be like, I remembered Sophie.

Meghan Houle (44:02.81)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (44:09.498)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (44:10.798)

And it's, you need to be present and available for people. And I will tell you 99 .9 % of people don't know how to do that. And therefore, you're not memorable and people, you're just another face in the crowd.

Meghan Houle (44:25.562)

Yeah. How do you manage the social media? Because I think I'm sure you're so good at balancing and talking about work and showing life, which I think sometimes too as an entrepreneur, we are afraid to show up and show those personal sides of us. But I think being vulnerable, speaking your truth is what also attracts your ideal client because you are like, this is who I am. Take it or leave it if you want to work with me. Amazing if you don't, amazing.

Sophie Jones (44:29.87)



Sophie Jones (44:43.502)


Sophie Jones (44:47.022)

Mm -hmm.


Meghan Houle (44:52.314)

but getting DM'd, questions, I'm sure, like going through all the things. How do you kind of manage the social space? Also like having to honestly be in it and be so present as we promote our businesses and things like that. Like what is your social media hack? If you have one, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Sophie Jones (45:10.446)

I have one I'm still working on. I get a lot of help with that with my mentors. I have two really, two mentors that I work in close proximity that, that crush it in that space. They are just like, simplify, simplify, simplify, simplify, simplify. So I'm always learning about marketing and messaging in that space. You know, don't recreate the will don't blah, blah, blah, you know, know who to talk to, know what you're doing. And then, you know, I share things like you were following along when my mom passed and.

Meghan Houle (45:21.69)


Meghan Houle (45:26.426)


Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (45:40.046)

I share things, but I don't share things. I've definitely shared my story before, but I think when I tell people about sharing your reality is it's like, I don't give a shit about your smoothie and your 11 a call and then your workout. When I see people posting their agendas, I care about who you are. So again, knowing who you are, and I think people really lean in. So it's like, with that social media piece,

You know, I just even think like grabbing your coffee and just being like, we're going to talk, you know, versus, you know, so just trying to be as human as possible, but in terms of scheduling and DMS and all of that, you know, getting back to comments, it's a, it's a job.

Meghan Houle (46:11.994)


Meghan Houle (46:15.898)


Meghan Houle (46:22.01)

I know. Well, and I feel like, but for you, when you have people apply, I mean, there's definitely like the application like on your website and things like that. Like you're not just like, please don't DM me. Like here's, this is a structured process, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (46:26.83)


Sophie Jones (46:34.67)

No, I want people to DM me, right? Because then I take them through, just like if I was cold calling, I take them through a process. So if you were like, Sophie, you like comment like breathwork on one of my things, I'm like, my gosh, hey, Megan. And I tell you like, you know, tell me what you're wanting to achieve with me. Like tell me what you want. Because if I just ask a few pre -qualifying questions, I can also go, you know what, Megan, I think this program would be better for this program.

Meghan Houle (46:40.09)

Got it. Okay. Yeah. Right. You get back. Yeah.

Meghan Houle (46:52.89)

That's awesome.

Sophie Jones (47:00.654)

or then this program. So I definitely have a sales structure to how you're interacting with me if you're inquiring about my business. And then if I think you're a good fit for close proximity, I will send you the application.

Meghan Houle (47:00.762)


Meghan Houle (47:09.146)


Mm -hmm. Okay. Yeah, I feel like social media navigating, showing up, you know, there's so many pillars too in my business that sometimes I just get crippled by like content and then I like don't create Sophie and I'm like, you know, I like sit with all these like great ideas and then, you know, I'm just kind of like onto the next. But I think like you said and your mentors are so smart, just like make it simple.

nothing should ever feel forced. You know, you kind of just have to go with the flow. And I will say, yeah, a lot of your my business has been through like referrals, or people follow you. And sometimes they're not DMing you. But like, I'll see somebody at the gym, and they're like, Hey, you're Megan from this. And they're not equating me with like a cat or an app for all spritz. And I'm like, Okay, thank you. Like, my personal brand is strong beyond just like my lifestyle things. But

Sophie Jones (47:38.894)


Sophie Jones (47:48.494)


Sophie Jones (48:00.078)


Meghan Houle (48:05.082)

It's all in the messaging. So attracting your ideal clients is just kind of like showing up, but you have to respond. And I think you have to be on, like we are not punching a clock. This is not a nine to five job. And I think what you put into it truly is the outcome you put out of it. And that's why it's like not for everybody. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (48:08.59)

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (48:17.518)


Sophie Jones (48:22.286)

Well, and it's ever evolving. Like that's, it's just like any role. It's like any business, like you're, you need to be evolving or you're not going to make it. And so I invested when I let go. So I had a mastermind last year as I was going through my, my divorce was really hard. And I was just not working with people I wanted to work with anymore and wanted to go back to who I was first working with. Cause I was working with early online entrepreneurs and valuable lesson I learned was just because you can't, like I saw a big business opportunity.

Meghan Houle (48:46.266)


Sophie Jones (48:49.07)

So it was like, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. And I had private clients that were further along, more established, working on that refinement piece, that healing piece, that leadership piece. So anyway, I let go of the mastermind. My mom got sick, let go of my clients. And then when I said, I'm going to do it again, differently this time, it was like, you know what, I need to simplify it. I need to refine and I need to know how to speak to exact, cause it's like.

What people do is it's like, they're like, I think I have to paint Picasso. And it's like, no, babe, you just need a stick figure that your person can, your stick figure can identify, you know?

Meghan Houle (49:22.138)

Mm -hmm, yeah. Well, tell us too, getting ready to launch the Mastermind, like who is it for? What are you most excited about in bringing this new offering together again?

Sophie Jones (49:32.238)

You know, I think it's for the successful woman that's lost her way. You know, I think, you know, by the time this comes out, totally, there'll be an application, we'll send you, we'll send you. But you know, I think that so many women are like, they're maxed and they don't, they're fried, they're frazzled, they're frustrated, they're overwhelmed.

Meghan Houle (49:37.018)

Mm, I love that. Okay, we're gonna link that. Can people start applying yet or not yet? Well, by the time this comes out too, yeah, yeah, okay. Awesome, yeah.

Sophie Jones (49:57.838)

Kind of like you, they have a lot of great ideas, but they don't see how they can expand their capacity or what to do. And so we heal your nervous system. You know, we, not we, I heal your nervous system with breath work. I teach you a lot about your patterns, why you're building the way you've been building so that you can do something about it. So you build awareness and then you have coaching with me. And so it's really for people that are like, I want to come into a different season of business, but I want to do so in a really aligned way. And it's like, great, let's do that.

Meghan Houle (50:28.602)

And are you capping it with how many people? Will it be like a, you know, sort of a small intimate or like how will you manage that? Yeah.

Sophie Jones (50:32.718)

So yeah, there'll be like, there won't be more than 10. So yeah, and it'll, well, we'll just leave it at that. There won't be more than 10. And if there are, then we'll have two cohorts. So like I can have two groups, but I just, you know, I recently ran a math class and I was talking with some women and it's like, women just need to be reminded. You're in Chicago. I think you're probably, I see the circles you run around.

Meghan Houle (50:38.042)

Okay, that's great.

Meghan Houle (50:42.874)


Meghan Houle (50:47.642)


Sophie Jones (50:59.31)

run in and around. I feel like you're around a lot of really empowered women. I go to like networking events or I go to like different things with women. And I'm like, y 'all need to be like, like someone needs to shake you awake. You know what I mean? Like what is happening? No, you know, and it's like, and I think the first step to that is really letting people have a safe place to probably have a good cry and breath work.

Meghan Houle (51:11.354)

Yes, yeah, yeah.

Sophie Jones (51:22.542)

and then get a game plan, assess your skills and get a vision and let's get you there in six months or less.

Meghan Houle (51:29.876)

I love that. And just with all the masterminds I've been a part of, there's so much community in community where sometimes, you know, you're getting in and I'm sure, you know, you'll have your virtual thing where you're meeting other people, other people are sharing stories. You know, you're like, how can I support you? Like even after this, even living not in the same place. So you just never know you're going to meet. And then from there, like the beautiful connections that form and then that's how you build your community, which I know you've been doing such an amazing job with.

Sophie Jones (51:35.406)


Sophie Jones (51:46.286)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (51:58.937)

So what are you most excited about looking into the future? Like any other big, what's your 14th pivot? What's your 14th life, girl? Like share, drop it, spill it. Yeah.

Sophie Jones (52:08.686)

girl, girl. You know, I'm coming into this place of like dignified refinement, you know, and also just owning that, like I have very much have that vibe, like fuck around and find out, you know, and I just think that has been diluted through the years and, and I, so I'm just really coming into that powerful place of like, hey, we write at dawn, get in.

Meghan Houle (52:17.114)


Meghan Houle (52:22.97)

Totally, yes.

Sophie Jones (52:35.278)

I have a real unique way of really seeing people. I think all that I've been through and people need to be seen, people need to be encouraged and put into their power. And so I'm doing that. I'm going to be doing a lot more breath work, live breath work events here in Houston, starting to work with, you know, more C -suite people here in person in Houston. And then, you know, we'll see. And really, honestly, I'm just trying to keep it mellow. You know, just build my power from the inside out. I've come through so much these last 18 months.

Meghan Houle (52:35.514)


Meghan Houle (52:39.93)

Mm -hmm.

Meghan Houle (52:49.05)


Sophie Jones (53:04.59)

I just want to get my glow up, get my life, just continue to build where I'm at.

Meghan Houle (53:06.33)

Yes. Yes.

I feel that so hard and even on my walk yesterday listening to a podcast, like I love Lori Harder and like some of the guests that she has on. It's just like, you know, finding these moments of like calm, like letting it be okay just to like be calm, you know? And like there are days that I will wake up and be like, my schedule is in books, start to finish. Like I'm a loser.

Sophie Jones (53:24.462)


Hmm... Yeah.

Meghan Houle (53:35.354)

and finish like what is that like until 10 o 'clock at night in my like right eye you know goes like droopy because you're like can't even see anymore but like just not forcing calm elevated strategic i love this because i don't i i know i mean for me too not going through the same things as you which was you know just so much and you know i give you so much credit for continuing to show up and be this beautiful soul that you are but it just felt really heavy.

Sophie Jones (53:48.64)


Meghan Houle (54:03.322)

at the beginning of this year. So trying to release some of the heaviness and I'm just like, huh, you know, what, what can I be doing better and differently? And it's, it's about truly going inward. For me, I know what I need to do is, and it's just about falling into bad habits. But I mean, anyone listening, like Sophie, you're just like a wealth of knowledge, like,

Sophie Jones (54:08.59)


Sophie Jones (54:15.662)


Meghan Houle (54:26.906)

like give it to you straight and we're going to get through it. But like there's this messy middle that we're going to acknowledge and not this like high level fluffy type coaching where, you know, people want to be told what to do. And you're just like, just do it for me. You guys, that's not coaching. You know, before I let you go to like, what do you feel like are the most misconceptions, you know, people have like coming into programs where it doesn't land for them because they're like, they don't get it. Right.

Sophie Jones (54:33.774)


Sophie Jones (54:38.19)

No. Mm -mm.


Sophie Jones (54:51.726)

Yeah, I think they're going to be saved. And the reality is they're not willing to look at themselves. And the reality is when your success always has everything to do with who you're being. That's why my mastermind is called becoming. It's who you're being and becoming. It really has very little to do with exterior. So I mean, we can build your skills. We can help you with messaging and marketing, like all that shit. It's like, OK, yeah.

Meghan Houle (54:57.594)


Sophie Jones (55:21.518)

but a monkey can learn, you know what I mean? It's like, if it's not working, it's like, and I've been there, you know what I mean? I've listened to people, they're like, I'm in six programs. I'm like, are you integrating anything? You know what I mean? It's like, what are you doing? You know? But I just, so I just really feel like if it's not landing, it might not be a good fit, but also like you have to show up and bare your soul sometimes so that someone can be like, wow, thanks so much for sharing that.

Meghan Houle (55:23.578)


Meghan Houle (55:36.506)


Sophie Jones (55:49.806)

Here's where I can really see we can tweak and capitalize on how wonderful you are. You have nothing to be ashamed of here. Let's go. You know?

Meghan Houle (55:57.782)

Yeah. Gosh, like so many things and so many things to work through and do. And I'm so excited for your mastermind and all that you can share with us so we can put it in the show notes. Everyone, please go to the show notes. Follow Sophie. And before I let you really go, knowing all that you've been through, like someone listening in in just a really dark, difficult place right now, like what advice would you give to somebody who knows they need to make a big, meaningful pivot but think that there's like no way out?

Sophie Jones (56:07.374)


Sophie Jones (56:19.79)


Sophie Jones (56:27.982)

Yeah, that's a lie. Don't give up. You know, it always gets better. The only time something doesn't get better is when you stay stuck in it.

Meghan Houle (56:37.338)

Yeah, oof, amen. Well, I love this conversation. We are, obviously. I wish we lived closer, but we need to do some collaboration. Stay tuned, everyone, because I think in what you do, the breath work, and I've only done it once. I mean, I need to like, I barely breathe in a fitness class. You're like, girl, breathe.

Sophie Jones (56:38.798)

Mm -hmm.

Sophie Jones (56:42.286)

Well, we just became best friends, so yeah.

Sophie Jones (56:50.318)


Sophie Jones (57:00.206)

They're like, hey, you're blue. Can you take a breath?

Meghan Houle (57:02.746)

I know you're like, seriously, but it's just it's so needed. And it's not woo woo. And it's so powerful. And I just love the framework that you have of like, you know, kind of working through that and then like working through your goals and like being your best self and not operating from like a place of chaos, but like kind of like a firm foundation. So yeah, yeah.

Sophie Jones (57:07.694)

Mm. Yeah, no.

Sophie Jones (57:19.022)

Yeah. Well, maybe we'll do something up in Chicago. We'll all, you know, we can get some people together and I can come up and do breath work. I've never been. That's where you live, right?

Meghan Houle (57:27.066)

Yeah. wait. Chicago. No, I'm in Boston. Wait, I was like, Chicago. Girl, come on up. Mm -hmm. Mm -mm -mm. New England, say less. Come get. I mean, your weather, it's been like super hot here just for a couple of days, but I know you're like in it in Texas. And you guys have had like crazy storms. So anytime you want to come out and hang out at the beach, like you're welcome in Boston. Definitely trying to do some cool events. So like.

Sophie Jones (57:31.022)

my god, no boss. Okay. Say it.

Sophie Jones (57:45.038)



Sophie Jones (57:53.166)


Meghan Houle (57:55.994)

Everybody stay tuned, click all the show notes, follow Sophie. Thank you so much for coming into my world. I feel like calm even from this conversation and now I'm just gonna go throw myself back into the mix. But I love you so much girl. I'm so proud of you and thank you so much for your time. Yeah. All right, bye girl.

Sophie Jones (58:00.174)

Thank you. yeah.

Sophie Jones (58:08.814)

Hey, love you. Okay. Bye.


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