Chelsea Vuong - How To Push Yourself Outside Your Comfort Zone And Achieve Your Biggest Goals

Chelsea Vuong is currently Miss Massachusetts 2023.

She has been involved in the Miss America Program since age 15, where she accrued enough scholarship money to attend Harvard University. 

After graduating in 2021 with her degree in Economics, she went to work for McKinsey & Company and the Washington Commanders.  Her hobbies include piano, dance, and community volunteerism. 

She is eager to continue her advocacy for financial independence through her work with schools, women’s shelters, churches, and military groups. 

In her spare time, Chelsea hosts The Currency Coach podcast, where she interviews NFL players and Olympians about personal money management.

Chelsea’s 3 Takeaways in this episode:

  • If you don't fail, you don't succeed

  • Don't be afraid to take the road less traveled; this is YOUR journey

  • Take some alone time to find the hobbies that allow you to be your most authentic self


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