Why Your “Good Vibes Only” Could Be Toxic


Positive thinking, especially when it comes to your career or personal development, is absolutely necessary for growth. A positive attitude has serious benefits for your overall well-being, helps you make better decisions, and allows you to stay resilient in times of stress or difficult challenges. 


But could your positivity actually be working against you? Are you dismissing negative emotions in order to avoid dealing with the uncomfortable truth? 


Take a few moments to ask yourself these questions: 


Yes or no? 

→Do you often hide or mask your true feelings?

→Do you try to dismiss yourself by saying things like,  “Just get on with it” or “It will all work out”? 


If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be falling victim to toxic positivity. Let’s dive a little deeper. 

→ Why do you think you hide or mask your true feelings? What do you think triggers this?

 → How can you stop minimizing other people’s experiences with feel good quotes or statements? For example, saying “Everything happens for a reason” when they tell you they got laid off. 

→ What do you do around people who shame or chastise others for expressing frustration or any other emotion than positivity? (aka your really blunt friends or family members) 

 → How can you better manage brushing off things that are bothering you? 


If you are having trouble answering any of these questions or are thinking “woah, this is spot on”, you are not alone. I’ve found myself a victim of toxic positivity, too.


In early 2021, I was balancing two jobs, two coaching programs, a Podcast and trying to find a way to stay financially stable. I was in hustle-mode working towards my Accredited Career and Business Coach Certification (and now I have it!) and my Master’s program.


When it came to business, so many people were seeking my advice and looking for jobs after they had been furloughed or laid off. Even though I did not have any projects for them, I still wanted to be their support system.

So, I offered free sessions to hear them out and steer them in the right direction. Giving them advice like:

  • “Stay positive.”

  • “It will all work out.”

  • “Something better is around the corner for you.”


Because what other advice can you give during such an uncertain time? The truth was, I was unsure what the future held for all of us at this point. I was becoming positively burnt out. That’s when it hit me. 


It was time for all of us to stop ghosting our emotions and deal with our biggest doubts and challenges head on. 


That’s when my signature coaching program was developed.


The Meghan Houle Method helps you replace words with action. Hopes and dreams aren’t what can help find your purpose, neither is just staying positive. We’re going beyond the surface level of the problem to rewrite your story and squash limiting beliefs that are holding you back. After working together, you’ll leave with a renewed sense of purpose and worth. 


It’s not always about staying positive. It’s about looking inside yourself and realizing that you want more. No! That you deserve more. Let’s do that together. 


Let’s dive deep into your personal growth and replace that toxic positivity with action! Apply today and learn how to move forward with your goals and how to clearly articulate your value in the most authentic way. 


“There are so many doors to be opened, and I’m not afraid to look behind them.” - Elizabeth Taylor.


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