3 Steps For Staying Positive Through A Job Search


There have been times throughout my recruiting career when the job market has been on fire.

I would be flooded with job openings across the luxury retail market that I couldn’t wait to share with candidates that were eagerly awaiting a role within one of their dream companies. 


Last year was one of those years for me. But it was also one of the most eye-opening, as I worked with dozens of job seekers who were struggling to find how to move forward in their careers or undergoing major career pivots.  


The saying ‘it’s been a year’ is a total understatement. I don’t have to remind you how hard it’s been for so many people to navigate living in a new, post-pandemic world, along with all of the other insane things that are happening around us and impacting our mental health one post and news story at a time. 


But why not start this New Year off on a positive note? 


2023 for me, is all about keeping it real. So, did I have a few full-on anxiety attacks this past year amongst all my success?

I sure did.


I was in my second year of ramping up my coaching business alongside being a full-time recruiter, I started a podcast in the pandemic on my third season and was continuing to grow the listener audience which requires constant promotion as a one woman show…  To be seen is to be believed as the saying goes….


And then I thought, how much more can I do? 


I know that the overwhelm is the ABUNDANCE we ask for, so I am very grateful for all of the opportunities I created for myself in 2022 and let me tell you friends, my 2023 checklist is looking aggressive, but I am ready for it ALL!


So, I’m challenging you to think, in the spirit of my podcast title, “How can I Pivot with Purpose” this year?


Using my spidey senses I learned that it’s not about what’s happening around us that holds us back. It’s about how we react to what we can control that allows us to keep pushing forward.


The same is true for you right now, as you navigate finding that perfect position and getting all that you deserve. 

And that’s why I wanted to share some ways that you can stay positive throughout your job search and start this new year off on the right foot. 


Step 1: Figure out what really matters to you 


The very first thing you have to do is think larger than the job itself. It’s important to take time to quantify each position you are applying for and make sure they match your values. 


Speaking of values, here is a list of things you should be thinking about based on the conversation I’ve had with my clients: 


  • Are you willing to relocate for this new role? 

  • Are you willing to apply for a job that is missing a must-have requirement? 

  • Is time off - like unlimited PTO or paid vacations - important to you and your family? 

  • Is it important to have scheduling flexibility, so you’re allowed to have human moments and pick up your kids after school or cut out early for a hair appointment? 

  • What are your goals for the next year? In 3 years? In 5 years?

  • Do you have a specific salary requirement you cannot budge on because you’d like to purchase a home, pay for your kid’s college education, or save for retirement? 


If you need help figuring this out and applying it to your job search, I’m your girl. Click here to learn more about what it means to work with me! Hint: I'll set you up for success so you can finally blow past all of those doubts and questions that are holding you back. 


Step 2: Practice healthy self-talk 


When was the last time you thought about what your inner dialogue sounds like? 


I’ll give you a moment to think about the last thing you said to yourself. If it was, “You are a BEAST and you are absolutely crushing it,” all the flowers for you! But, if you’re like so many others (myself included sometimes), who more commonly think, “what the hell was I thinking?! I can’t do that!” Well, this one's for you. 


If you spent the last year telling yourself that you are not good enough, kick that thought to the curb. 


An unhealthy mindset can hold you back from having the life and career that you truly deserve. Get out of that victim mindset and take control of what it is you want. 


If you take some time to really think about what matters to you most, you may be slapped with the realization that the things you thought were important really aren’t all that important at all. Or, they are simply no longer a high priority. 


And, you know what? Good for you! It’s okay to shift goals. But remember to do it carefully. My recommendation is to do a self-audit first.


Think about things like: 

  • What is it about where you are now that is not aligning with your path? 

  • Where is the disconnect between what you thought you wanted vs. where you currently are? 

  • What do you want your life to look like in 2023?

  • What is the biggest change you need to make to feel better about the direction of your career? 


These are all super healthy examples of blasting through all of that hesitation and doubt you’ve been plagued with all of 2022. We don’t have time for that,  my friends. Those dream positions will not be around to wait for you to figure it out. I can’t tell you how many highly qualified candidates I’ve worked with that realized this way too late and missed out on life-changing career opportunities. We’re not bringing that kind of vibe into the new year. 


If you are feeling at a loss, experiencing no after no after the interview process, here are some tangible ways to change that. 


  • Practice interviewing.  Let me let you on the new MUST nail question in the interview process that can really make or break your chances of moving to the next round.  “Tell me about a time your failed or something did not go the way you had planned within your business or a project and what do you do to overcome it” is asked A LOT these days in the interview process because hiring managers are looking for a bit of self-awareness and self-reflection (and some humbleness) as a way to determine a culture fit when interviewing a candidate. 


Meghan Houle Truth Bomb moment: No one is looking to hire the person “that knows it all with nothing to learn who has never made a mistake in their entire career..”  So go grab a pen and paper and write down a time you failed and overcame a challenge, and you will thank me later when you NAIL this question in your next interview…(bonus points if you email me your success story that led you to a job offer)


  • Know the role like the back of your hand. Make sure you get a job profile or clear outline of a role before you go into the interview so that you are set up for success and actually interviewing for the job that was presented to you. Sometimes HR and the hiring manager's communication (or initial thought of what a job profile should be) is different. They simply have different priorities so make sure you have clarity before you go into any interview.

  •  Go with the flow. If your interview goes in a different direction than you were hoping for, don't let it trip you up.  You have to be flexible and agile these days and take control of the conversation as needed.  Make sure you leave any interview getting the most information about the job as you can, even if some “new responsibilities” were added beyond what you saw on the job description during this conversation.  Questions lead to clarity, which leads to engagement, which leads to you making a lasting impression.

  • Get your work story straight! No one has 3 hours for you to walk them through your entire career journey. A hiring manager does not have an hour for you to go back to 1999. What have you done recently that will tip the scale?  We want to hear about what you have accomplished in the past year (and the cliffs notes of your entire work history)...


Step 3: Remember that you are incredible 


Whether you’re a mother, professional blogger, senior executive, dog walker, student, or anything in between, the small wins you achieve everyday matter. And those big career-changing wins you’ve accomplished? Include them everywhere, because they are important to your future. 


Life is one big learning lesson. The best thing you can do is find your inner strength - all of those superpowers that make you exactly who you are. Tune out anything that may get in your way or distract you. 


Then, take a deep breath, analyze, and jump right back in like the #beast you are. 


If you need some more motivation, here are some book recommendations to keep you aligned: 


Detox your Thoughts by Andrea Bonior, Ph.D.

Buy yourself the F**king Lillies by Tara Schuster

The Full Spirit Workout by Kate Eckman


More of a podcast person? I got you covered there, too! Check out two of my favorite Pivot with Purpose podcast episodes today. 


Pivot with Purpose Podcast with Monique Bryan:

 Creating Your Personal Brand Message and Building A Campaign of YOU


Pivot with Purpose Podcast with Kate Eckman: 

Shedding Self-Doubt and The Comparison Game







Meghan Houle is growing! 

Now is the time to book a career coaching session with me so you can gain the clarity you’re looking for to land your dream career, make that job pivot, or get that promotion in 2023. Click here to learn more now. 

If you aren’t on my email list be sure to click here and subscribe right now so you have access to all of the exclusive promotions and offers I’m cooking up this year!


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